• Wine, Port, Champagne & Whisky Sale

    • Registration & Bidding opened: Wednesday, 5th December 2018 from 11:00am
    • Bidding Closed: Wednesday, 5th December 2018 from 11:59pm

    Online bidders will need to arrange collection/delivery of their purchases. An online fee of 2% plus VAT will be charged on purchases, on top of the standard buyer’s premium. Unsuccessful purchasers should note that refunds of deposits can take approximately 3 - 5 days. Droit De Suite Royalty Charges Apply. Credit cards are no longer accepted for payment of goods. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Bidding Ended:
Wednesday 5 December at 11am

663 of 663 Results

Items per page

20 40 100 All
  1. Lot 1

    1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1999 Pauillac (hf, bsl) and 1 bottle of Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste 2000 Pauillac (hf, bsl). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  2. Lot 2

    12 bottles of Chateau Haut Sarpe 2005 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (oc)

    Sale Price:

  3. Lot 4

    12 bottles of Chateau Haut Sarpe 2010 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (oc)

    Sale Price:

  4. Lot 9

    12 bottles of Clos des Litanes 2008 Pomerol (oc)

    Sale Price:

  5. Lot 12

    2 bottles of Chateau Talbot 1971 Medoc (both in, both bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 1982 Saint Estephe (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 1983 Saint Estephe (in,

    Sale Price:

  6. Lot 13

    2 bottles of Chateau Cissac 1982 Haut Medoc (both severe bsl, 1 in, 1 us); 1 bottle of Chateau Montrose 1983 Saint Estephe (in, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Langoa Barton

    Sale Price:

  7. Lot 14

    6 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2004 Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  8. Lot 15

    12 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2005 Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  9. Lot 16

    12 bottles of Chateau Meyney 2004 Saint Estephe (owc)

    Sale Price:

  10. Lot 17

    10 bottles of Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1964 Saint Julien Medoc, with Eschenauer neck label (owc) (1 in, 5 vts, 2 ts, 1 ms, 1 ls, 7 with slight cork drop, 1 with signs of seep)

    Sale Price:

  11. Lot 18

    10 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan 1995 Pomerol (9 in, 1 vts, 4 with bsl, 2 with capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  12. Lot 19

    6 bottles of Chateau La Fleur de Gay 1995 Pomerol (owc - missing lid) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  13. Lot 21

    2 bottles of Chateau Talbot 1988 Saint Julien (1 in, 1 vts, both bsl)

    Sale Price:

  14. Lot 22

    1 magnum of Chateau d'Yquem 1989 (in, slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  15. Lot 23

    12 bottles of Chateau Doisy Daene 2005 Sauternes (owc) (all in) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  16. Lot 24

    12 bottles of Chateau Doisy Daene 2005 Sauternes (owc) (all in) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  17. Lot 25

    12 bottles of Chateau Coutet 2005 Sauternes-Barsac (all in) (owc)

    Sale Price:

  18. Lot 26

    12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton 2000 Saint Julien (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  19. Lot 27

    12 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1980 (2 vts, 3 ts, 3ms, 4 ls, 4 with capsule damage, all slight bsl, 9 with slight staining to capsule, 2 with small tears to label)

    Sale Price:

  20. Lot 29

    12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1977 St Julien (3 vts, 3 ts, 2 us, 1 ms, 2 ls, 1 vls, 2 with signs of seep, all bsl, 6 with capsule damage, 1 with slightly raised cork)

    Sale Price:

  21. Lot 31

    10 bottles of Chateau Latour 1976 Pauillac (3 in, 2 vts, 2 ts, 1 us, 1 ms, 1 vls, all bsl, 5 with capsule damage, all with stains to capsules, 4 with slightly depressed corks)

    Sale Price:

  22. Lot 32

    1 bottle of Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 1960 (ts, nicks and small stain to label, 1 mm cork drop)

    Sale Price:

  23. Lot 34

    1 Imperial bottle (6 litres) of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1988 Pauillac (level 3.4cm from base of capsule, signs of seep)

    Sale Price:

  24. Lot 35

    12 bottles of Chateau Latour 1968 Pauillac (owc) (1 vts, 3 ts, 4 us, 1 ms, 1 ms with slight capsule corrosion, 1 ms with 1mm cork drop, 1 ls) These wines were discovered in the

    Sale Price:

  25. Lot 36

    11 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1967 Pauillac (owc) (2 ts, 1 us, 3 ms, 1 ms with signs of seep, 1 ls, 1 ls with signs of seep, 2 vls, all bsl) These wines were discovered

    Sale Price:

  26. Lot 37

    11 bottles of Chateau Giscours 1970 Margaux (owc) (4 vts, 2 ts with 1mm cork drop, 1 us, 4 ms with 1mm cork drop, all with glue marked labels and signs of historical seep) These

    Sale Price:

  27. Lot 38

    12 bottles of Chateau Mayne Guyon 2005 Premieres Cotes de Blaye

    Sale Price:

  28. Lot 39

    6 bottles of J. P. Moueix 2005 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau Guibot La Fourvieille 2000 Puisseguin Saint Emilion; 2 bottles of Chateau Dasvin-Bel-Air 2005 Haut Medoc (1 with

    Sale Price:

  29. Lot 40

    2 bottles of Chateau Queray 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau Grand Champs 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau de Brandey Cuvee Passion 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau

    Sale Price:

  30. Lot 41

    3 bottles of Chateau Luxeuil 2005 Cotes de Castillon (1 with tear to label); 1 bottle of Chateau La Gorce 2004 Medoc; 3 bottles of Chateau Queyret-Pouillac 2005 Bordeaux

    Sale Price:

  31. Lot 42

    1 bottle of Pichon Longueville, unknown vintage (in, no label); 1 bottle of Chateau Lascombes Margaux (in, no label); 1 bottle of Chateau Castera 1987 (vts, bsl); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  32. Lot 43

    1 bottle of Chateau Tour St Bonnet 1983 Medoc (us, slight bsl, slight cork drop); 1 bottle of Chateau Chasse Spleen 1979 Moulis en Medoc (ts, slight cork drop, bsl and small tears

    Sale Price:

  33. Lot 44

    8 bottles of Chateau Leoville Poyferre 1981 Saint Julien (5 in, 2 vts, 1 ts, 5 with capsule damage, 1 with slight capsule damage, all bsl)

    Sale Price:

  34. Lot 45

    12 bottles of Chateau Chasse Spleen 1993 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 3 with slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  35. Lot 46

    12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1993 Margaux (owc) (all in, 4 with slightly depressed corks)

    Sale Price:

  36. Lot 47

    4 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan 1993 Pomerol (all in)

    Sale Price:

  37. Lot 48

    12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1994 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 3 with reattached labels, 1 with torn label, 9 with slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  38. Lot 49

    12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1994 Margaux (owc) (all in, 5 with slightly depressed corks)

    Sale Price:

  39. Lot 50

    12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1995 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 5 with slight bsl) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 similar lot)

    Sale Price:

  40. Lot 51

    12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1995 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  41. Lot 52

    12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1995 Margaux (owc - slight damage to bottom of box) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  42. Lot 54

    12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1996 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  43. Lot 57

    1 bottle of Chateau Malescot St Exupery 1998 Margaux (in, scuffs to rear label) and 1 bottle of Chateau Pontet Canet 2005 Pauillac (in, small nicks to label on right hand side,

    Sale Price:

  44. Lot 58

    12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton 2008 St Julien Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  45. Lot 59

    12 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 2007 Saint Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  46. Lot 60

    6 magnums of Segla Margaux 2009 (owc)

    Sale Price:

  47. Lot 61

    12 bottles of Chateau Belair 2007 Saint Emilion (owc) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 1 lot)

    Sale Price:

  48. Lot 62

    12 bottles of Chateau Belair 2007 Saint Emilion (owc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  49. Lot 63

    12 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 2006 St Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  50. Lot 64

    6 magnums of Clos du Marquis 2005 St Julien Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  51. Lot 65

    6 magnums of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 (owc)

    Sale Price:

  52. Lot 66

    12 bottles of Clos du Marquis 2005 St Julien Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  53. Lot 67

    12 bottles of Grand Vin du Chateau Bernadotte 2005 Haut Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  54. Lot 68

    12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  55. Lot 69

    12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  56. Lot 70

    12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  57. Lot 71

    12 bottles of Chateau Charmail 2005 Haut Medoc (owc)

    Sale Price:

  58. Lot 72

    12 bottles of Croix de Beaucaillou 2005 Saint Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  59. Lot 73

    5 bottles of Chateau Palmer 1995 Margaux Medoc (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  60. Lot 74

    12 bottles of Chateau Batailley 2005 Pauillac (owc)

    Sale Price:

  61. Lot 75

    12 bottles of Chateau Moulin Riche 2005 Saint Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  62. Lot 76

    12 bottles of Chateau Phelan Segur 2000 Saint-Estephe (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  63. Lot 77

    12 bottles of Chateau Langoa Barton 1998 Saint Julien (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  64. Lot 78

    6 bottles of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1995 St Julien (owc) (all in, 2 with slightly depressed capsules)

    Sale Price:

  65. Lot 79

    11 bottles of Chateau Labegorce Zede 1983 Margaux (owc) (1 in, 2 vts, 4 ts, 3 us, 1 ls and capsule damage with signs of historical seep, 1 slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  66. Lot 81

    2 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1968 (both ls, both bsl, both with capsule damage and signs of seep); 2 bottles of Chateau Notton 1973 Margaux (both us, 1 with scuffs to

    Sale Price:

  67. Lot 82

    1 bottle of Chateau Malescot St Exupery 1975 Margaux (ts, bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau Fourcas Hosten 1976 Listrac Medoc (1 ms, 1 ls with stains to capsule, both bsl); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  68. Lot 83

    6 bottles of Chateau La Serre 1978 Saint Emilion (2 vts, 1 ts, 2 us, 1 ms, 2 slight bsl, 3 with slight capsule damage); 8 bottles of Chateau Grangeneuve 1982 Montagne Saint

    Sale Price:

  69. Lot 84

    7 bottles of Chateau Calon Segur 1973 Saint Estephe (owc) (3 us, 2 ms, 2 ls - 1 with signs of seep, all with depressed corks, 3 with capsule damage, all slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  70. Lot 85

    11 bottles of Chateau Batailley 1979 Pauillac (1 vts, 1 ts, 4 us, 5 ms, 1 with scuff to label)

    Sale Price:

  71. Lot 86

    3 magnums of Chateau La Tour de By 1976 Medoc (vts, ts, us, 1 slight bsl, 1 with slightly raised cork, 1 with slightly depressed cork and small nicks to capsule); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  72. Lot 87

    12 bottles of Chateau Pedesclaux 2009 Pauillac (owc)

    Sale Price:

  73. Lot 88

    11 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 2010 Margaux (all in)

    Sale Price:

  74. Lot 89

    11 bottles of Chateau Poujeaux 2009 Moulis en Medoc (all in)

    Sale Price:

  75. Lot 90

    3 bottles of Chateau Batailley 2010 Pauillac (all in) and 3 bottles of Hortevie 2010 Saint Julien (all in). 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  76. Lot 91

    2 bottles of Chateau La Lagune 2005 Haut Medoc (both in); 1 bottle of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 2005 Moulis en Medoc (in, very slight bsl); 2 bottles of Les Pagodes de Cos 2000 Saint

    Sale Price:

  77. Lot 92

    1 bottle of Chateau Leoville Barton 1994 Saint Julien (in, slight cork drop) and 1 bottle of Chateau Duhart-Milon 2005 Pauillac (in). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  78. Lot 93

    1 bottle of Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1983 Pauillac (in, small tear to label and slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  79. Lot 94

    2 bottles of Les Fiefs de Lagrange 2009 Saint Julien (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Beychevelle Grand Vin 2005 Saint Julien (in); 1 bottle of Chateau Fombrauge 2000 Saint

    Sale Price:

  80. Lot 95

    2 magnums of Chateau Pontet-Canet 2004 Pauillac (both in and bsl) and 1 magnum of Vina Ardanza 2001 Rioja Reserva Especial. 3 magnums in total

    Sale Price:

  81. Lot 96

    1 bottle of Chateau Longueville, Baron de Pichon Longueville 1983 Pauillac Medoc (in, bsl, slightly depressed cork); 1 bottle of Mouton Cadet, Baron Philippe de Rothschild 1996

    Sale Price:

  82. Lot 97

    1 bottle of Chateau Cheval Blanc 1980 St Emilion (ls, scuffs to capsule, slightly depressed cork, corrosion stains to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  83. Lot 98

    1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 2001 St Estephe (in); 1 bottle of Chateau Monbrison 2002 Margaux (vts, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Fontarney 2001 Margaux; 1 bottle of Chambolle Musigny

    Sale Price:

  84. Lot 99

    12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  85. Lot 100

    6 magnums of Chateau Leoville Barton, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  86. Lot 101

    6 magnums of Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  87. Lot 102

    12 bottles of Chateau Pontet-Canet, 5me Cru Pauillac 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  88. Lot 103

    6 magnums of Chateau Pontet-Canet, 5me Cru Pauillac 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  89. Lot 104

    6 bottles of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  90. Lot 105

    3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  91. Lot 106

    3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  92. Lot 107

    3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  93. Lot 108

    6 magnums of Chateau Feytit-Clinet, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  94. Lot 109

    6 magnums of Chateau l'Eglise-Clinet, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  95. Lot 110

    6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  96. Lot 111

    6 bottles of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  97. Lot 112

    6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  98. Lot 113

    6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  99. Lot 114

    12 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  100. Lot 115

    6 magnums of Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  101. Lot 116

    6 magnums of Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  102. Lot 117

    6 magnums of Chateau l'Evangile, Pomerol 2012 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  103. Lot 118

    6 magnums of Chateau l'Evangile, Pomerol 2012 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  104. Lot 120

    6 bottles of Château d'Yquem, 1er Grand Cru Sauternes 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  105. Lot 121

    12 bottles of Le Chambertin Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  106. Lot 122

    6 bottles of Le Chambertin Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  107. Lot 123

    6 bottles of Le Chambertin Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  108. Lot 126

    12 bottles of Chambertin-Clos de Beze Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  109. Lot 127

    6 magnums of Chambertin-Clos de Beze Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  110. Lot 128

    12 bottles of Bonnes Mares Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  111. Lot 129

    6 bottles of Bonnes Mares Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  112. Lot 130

    12 bottles of Richebourg Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  113. Lot 132

    6 bottles of Richebourg Grand Cru, Roche de Bellene 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  114. Lot 136

    3 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Corbeaux, Dugat-Py 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  115. Lot 137

    3 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Fonteny, Dugat-Py 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  116. Lot 141

    6 bottles of Meursault Goutte d'Or 1er Cru, Domaine des Comtes Lafon 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  117. Lot 142

    6 bottles of Meursault Goutte d'Or 1er Cru, Domaine des Comtes Lafon 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  118. Lot 145

    12 bottles of Chambolle-Musigny 1er cru Aux Beaux Bruns, Ghislaine Barthod 2007 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  119. Lot 147

    12 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin Cuvee Coeur du Roy Tres Vieilles Vignes, Bernard Dugat-Py 2007 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  120. Lot 149

    12 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin Cuvee Coeur du Roy, Dugat-Py 2009 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  121. Lot 150

    12 bottles of Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru, Rene Bouvier 2006 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  122. Lot 152

    6 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er cru Lavaux-Saint-Jacques, Denis Mortet 2008 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  123. Lot 159

    12 bottles of Volnay 1er cru Les Santenots du Milieu, Domaine des Comtes Lafon 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  124. Lot 162

    12 bottles of Corton-Bressandes Grand Cru, Tollot-Beaut 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  125. Lot 166

    6 magnums of Chambolle-Musigny 1er cru Aux Beaux Bruns, Ghislaine Barthod 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  126. Lot 168

    12 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin, Vieilles Vignes, Bernard Dugat-Py 2010 (in bond)

    Sale Price:

  127. Lot 169

    12 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin, Vieilles Vignes, Bernard Dugat-Py 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  128. Lot 176

    2 bottles of Charmes-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes Grand Cru, Bernard Dugat-Py 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  129. Lot 178

    6 bottles of Chambertin-Clos de Beze Grand Cru, Drouhin-Laroze 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  130. Lot 179

    6 bottles of Chambertin-Clos de Beze grand cru, Drouhin-Laroze 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  131. Lot 182

    3 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er cru Champeaux, Dugat-Py 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  132. Lot 184

    6 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux-Saint-Jacques, Denis Mortet 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  133. Lot 185

    6 bottles of Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux-Saint-Jacques, Denis Mortet 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  134. Lot 187

    3 bottles of Mazis-Chambertin Vieilles Vignes Grand Cru, Dugat-Py 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  135. Lot 188

    2 bottles of Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru, Dugat-Py 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  136. Lot 189

    2 bottles of Mazis-Chambertin grand cru, Dugat-Py 2013 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  137. Lot 190

    12 bottles of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateau de Beaucastel, P Perrin 2012 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  138. Lot 191

    12 bottles of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateau de Beaucastel, P Perrin 2012 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  139. Lot 192

    6 magnums of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateau de Beaucastel, P Perrin 2012 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  140. Lot 193

    6 magnums of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateau de Beaucastel, P Perrin 2012 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  141. Lot 194

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie, La Landonne, Rene Rostaing 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  142. Lot 195

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie, La Landonne, Rene Rostaing 2011 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  143. Lot 196

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie, La Landonne, Rene Rostaing 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  144. Lot 197

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie, Cote Blonde, Rene Rostaing 2011 (in bond)

    Sale Price:

  145. Lot 198

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie, Cote Blonde, Rene Rostaing 2012 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  146. Lot 200

    12 bottles of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Tradition, Domaine Giraud 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  147. Lot 203

    12 bottles of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Les Grenaches de Pierre, Domaine Giraud 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  148. Lot 204

    12 bottles of Cote-Rotie La Landonne, Rene Rostaing 2006 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  149. Lot 209

    2 bottles of Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne 2010

    Sale Price:

  150. Lot 210

    12 bottles of Corton Grand Cru 1990, Louis Jadot (all with some scuffing to labels. Levels in cm from base of capsule as follows: 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.3, 2.2, 2.8, 2.8,

    Sale Price:

  151. Lot 211

    12 bottles of Chambolle Musigny 'Les Echeseaux' 1980 Pierre Julien-Hudelot, (levels from base of capsule in cm: 2.2, 2.3, 1.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 3.3, 3.4, 3.2, 3.2, 1.9, 1 with

    Sale Price:

  152. Lot 212

    8 bottles of Chambolle Musigny 'Les Echeseaux' 1980 Pierre Julien-Hudelot, (levels from base of capsule in cm: 3.0, 2.2, 3.1, 1.6, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 2.2, all very slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  153. Lot 213

    1 bottle of Charmes Chambertin 1969, Doudet Naudin (level 2.5cm from base of cork, slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  154. Lot 214

    1 magnum of Chablis Les Preuses Grand Cru 2008, William Fevre (tears to label); 1 magnum of Chablis Premier Cru, Jean Marc Brocard 2005; 1 bottle of Marquis de MacMahon 1er Cru

    Sale Price:

  155. Lot 215

    1 bottle of Chateau de Beaucastel Chateauneuf du Pape Blanc 2001; 4 bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac Blanc 2007; 1 bottle of Chateau Musar Blanc 2001. 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  156. Lot 217

    6 bottles of Chateau de Beaucastel 1995 Chateauneuf du Pape

    Sale Price:

  157. Lot 218

    2 bottles of Drouhin Cote de Beaune 2013 Rouge; 2 bottles of Drouhin Rully 2015 Rouge; 2 bottles of Drouhin Chorey-Les-Beaune 2014 Rouge. 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  158. Lot 219

    2 bottles of Drouhin Cote de Nuits-Villages 2011; 2 bottles of Drouhin Cote de Beaune 2014 Rouge; 1 bottle of Drouhin Nuits-Saint-Georges Proces Premier Cru 2011; 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  159. Lot 220

    6 bottles of Drouhin Gevrey Chambertin 2013, Tas (oc)

    Sale Price:

  160. Lot 221

    6 half bottles of Trimbach Gewurztraminer 1988, Cuvee des Seigneurs de Ribeaupierre

    Sale Price:

  161. Lot 222

    9 bottles of Crozes Hermitage 1983, Cave des Clarimonts (1 with capsule damage, 4 with slight bsl); 2 bottles of Fixin 1983, Batacchi (both bsl); 1 bottle of Gevrey Chambertin

    Sale Price:

  162. Lot 223

    2 bottles of Gevrey Chambertin 1975, Domaine les Perrieres (both bsl) and 7 bottles of Beaune Toussaints 1988, Albert Morot (3 slight bsl). 9 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  163. Lot 224

    1 bottle of Chateau d'Yquem 1965 (ts, slight seep, slight bsl with small tears to right of label)

    Sale Price:

  164. Lot 225

    4 half bottles of Chateau Rabaud-Promis 1983 (4 in, all bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Doisy Daene 1962 Haut Barsac Sauternes (ms, sign of slight seep, slight capsule damage, bsl,

    Sale Price:

  165. Lot 226

    2 bottles of Puligny Montrachet Les Perrieres 2008, Etienne Sauzet (both bsl)

    Sale Price:

  166. Lot 227

    1 Jeroboam (3 litre) of Chateauneuf du Pape 1978, Raymond Usseglio (sign of seep, the wax seal has been repaired with candle wax which has dripped down the bottle) and 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  167. Lot 228

    2 bottles of Puligny Montrachet Clavoillon 1986 (both bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau de la Maltroye 1988 Batard-Montrachet; 1 bottle of Chateau Bastor-Lamontagne 1985 Sauternes (in,

    Sale Price:

  168. Lot 229

    12 bottles of Santenay Blanc 2009, Domaine Olivier, Les Coteaux sous la Roche (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  169. Lot 230

    12 bottles of Santenay Blanc 2009, Domaine Olivier, Les Coteaux sous la Roche (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  170. Lot 231

    12 bottles of Chateau de Beaucastel 1995 Chateauneuf du Pape (all bsl, 5 missing rear label)

    Sale Price:

  171. Lot 232

    11 bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape "La Crau" 1995 Domaine du Vieux Telegraphe (4 bsl, 4 slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  172. Lot 233

    12 bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape "La Crau" 1995 Domaine du Vieux Telegraphe (owc) (4 bsl, 1 slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  173. Lot 234

    7 bottles of Cornas 1994 Cuvee des Coteaux, Robert Michel (4 bsl, 3 slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  174. Lot 235

    1 bottles of Clos de la Roche 1995, Grand Cru, Domaine Armand Rousseau Pere & Fils (tear to bottom left of label)

    Sale Price:

  175. Lot 237

    5 bottles of Santenay 1996 "Clos de la Confrerie", Domaine Vincent Girardin (4 bsl, 1 slight bsl) and 5 bottles of Santanay 1er Cru 1996 " Les Gravieres", Domaine Vincent Girardin

    Sale Price:

  176. Lot 238

    3 bottles of Nuits-St Georges 1995 'Les Pruliers', Domaine Henri Gouges (1 bsl, all with scuffs and stains to rear labels)

    Sale Price:

  177. Lot 239

    3 bottles of Nuits-St Georges 1995 'Les Vaucrains', Domaine Henri Gouges (2 bsl, all with scuffs and stains to rear labels)

    Sale Price:

  178. Lot 240

    6 magnums of Vacqueryas, Reserve Personnelle, Jaboulet Aine 2001 (oc)

    Sale Price:

  179. Lot 241

    12 bottles of Domaine D'en Segur Syrah Duras 2012 Le Rouge, IGP Cotes du Tarn

    Sale Price:

  180. Lot 242

    12 bottles of Hermitage Marquise de la Tourette 2001, Delas Freres (1 bsl)

    Sale Price:

  181. Lot 243

    6 bottles of Monthelie 2002, Le Champ Fulliot, Domaine Paul Garaudet (small tears to labels) and 6 bottles of Vina Ljalba Blanco, Reserva Speciale, Viticultera Ecologica - 5 x

    Sale Price:

  182. Lot 244

    6 bottles of Corton Les Grandes Lolières grand cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  183. Lot 245

    6 bottles of Corton Les Grandes Lolières grand cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  184. Lot 246

    6 bottles of Corton Les Grandes Lolières grand cru, Roche de Bellene 2010 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  185. Lot 247

    6 bottles of La Sizeranne Hermitage 1999, M. Chapoutier (all with scuffed rear labels)

    Sale Price:

  186. Lot 248

    2 bottles of Hermitage La Chapelle 1987, Paul Jaboulet (levels in cm from base of capsule:- 1.1, 1.8, slight bsl, cork slightly raised on 1 bottle)

    Sale Price:

  187. Lot 249

    3 bottles of Hermitage Blanc, Le Chevalier de Sterinberg 1990, Jaboulet (levels in cm from base of capsule:- 2.5, 2.7, 4.5, bsl, slight capsule damage, 1 with slightly depressed

    Sale Price:

  188. Lot 250

    10 bottles of Pouilly-Fuisse 2006, Domaine des Gerbeaux, Vieilles Vignes, Drouin

    Sale Price:

  189. Lot 251

    5 bottles of Sancerre 2005, Cuvee "Les Caillottes", Jean-Max Roger and 7 bottles of Sancerre Rose 2006, Cuvee "La Grange Dimiere", Jean-Max Roger. 12 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  190. Lot 252

    1 bottle of Pommard 1er Cru 'Chanlins Bas', Henri Montagny 2009; 2 bottles of Savigny Les Beaune Aux Grands Liards 2000, Simon Bize;1 bottle of Domaine Font de Michelle

    Sale Price:

  191. Lot 254

    12 bottles of Savigny-Les-Beaune 1er Cru - Les Serpentieres 2003, Domaine Jean-Jacques Girard (oc)

    Sale Price:

  192. Lot 257

    1 bottle of Chateau d'Yquem 1956 (vts, bsl)

    Sale Price:

  193. Lot 258

    9 bottles of Chateau de Monthelie 1999 Monthelie 1er Cru Sur La Velle, Eric de Suremain (oc) (1 with slightly crumpled label)

    Sale Price:

  194. Lot 259

    2 bottles of Saint Joseph Clos de Cuminalle 2005, Domaine Gallard; 2 bottles of Saint Joseph Offerus 2005, Jean-Louis Chave (1 slight bsl); 2 bottles of Cote Rotie 2005, Domaine

    Sale Price:

  195. Lot 260

    4 bottles of Beaumes de Venise Le Paradou 2005, Jaboulet Aine (1slight bsl); 4 bottles of Cairanne, Domaine de l'Ameillaud 2005; 4 bottles of Vacqueyras Saint Roch, Clos des

    Sale Price:

  196. Lot 261

    12 bottles of Bourgogne Les Setilles 2014, Olivier Leflave (oc)

    Sale Price:

  197. Lot 262

    8 bottles of Chateau Climens 1942 Haut Barsac (2 ts, 3 ms, 4 ls, all with bsl and torn labels, 1 with nick to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  198. Lot 263

    24 half bottles of Chateau Rieussec 1989 Sauternes (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  199. Lot 264

    24 half bottles of Chateau d'Yquem Lur Saluces 1990 Sauternes (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  200. Lot 265

    1 bottle of Chateau d'Yquem Lur Saluces 19?5 (bsl and tears to label (probably 1925 but unclear) (ls)

    Sale Price:

  201. Lot 266

    1 botle of Chateau d'Yquem 1928 (ls, no label)

    Sale Price:

  202. Lot 267

    7 bottles of Chateau d'Yquem 1966 Lur Saluces (1 ts, 1 us, 3 ms, 2 ls, 6 with slightly depressed corks, 4 with capsule damage and signs of slight seep, 1 with stains to capsule,

    Sale Price:

  203. Lot 269

    12 bottles of Givry 1er Cru, Clos Salomon 2009 (oc)

    Sale Price:

  204. Lot 270

    5 bottles of Chateau Romer du Hayot 1982 Sauternes (all in and bsl)

    Sale Price:

  205. Lot 271

    3 bottles of Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey 1978 1er Grand Cru de Sauternes (all in, slight bsl and slightly stained capsules); 1 bottle of Chateau Rieussec 1990 Sauternes (in); 1

    Sale Price:

  206. Lot 272

    9 bottles of Corton Charlemagne 1982, Prosper Maufoux (levels from base of capsule in cm: 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 3.0, 3.1, 3.3. 3.8)

    Sale Price:

  207. Lot 273

    6 bottles of Chablis Grand Cru 1983 Les Clos, Domaine de la Tour Vaubourg (2 with tears to labels, 2 with stained capsules)

    Sale Price:

  208. Lot 274

    6 bottles of "Y" Lur Saluces 1979, US import (3 vts, 1 ts, 1 us, 1 ms, 1 with slight capsule damage, all slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  209. Lot 275

    4 bottles of "Y" Lur-Saluces 1978 (2 in, 1 vts, 1 ts)

    Sale Price:

  210. Lot 276

    1 bottle of Chambolle Musigny 1994 Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue; 2 bottles of Cote de Nuits Villages Prosper Maufoux - 1 x 1978 and 1 believed to be 1978; 1 bottle of Chambolle

    Sale Price:

  211. Lot 277

    3 bottles of Nuits St-Georges 1915, des Cave de Eug. Delgouffre & Cie, Bruxelles (3 bsl, 1 slight capsule damage and level 8.5cm below base of capsule, 1 capsule damage and level

    Sale Price:

  212. Lot 278

    6 bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac White 2009, V. Guibert de la Vaissiere (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  213. Lot 279

    6 bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac White 2009, V. Guibert de la Vaissiere (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  214. Lot 280

    5 bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac White 2009, V. Guibert de la Vaissiere (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  215. Lot 281

    5 bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac White 2009, V. Guibert de la Vaissiere (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  216. Lot 282

    8 bottles of Hugel Pinot Blanc 1994, Alsace; 1 bottle of Hugel Gewurztraminer 1994, Alsace; 2 bottles of Chateau du Juge 1990 Cadillac. 11 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  217. Lot 283

    5 bottles of Hugel Gewurztraminer - 4 x 1985 and 1 x 1994.

    Sale Price:

  218. Lot 284

    2 bottles of Domaine de la Romanee Conti Grands Echezeaux 1973, bottled by Lebegue (levels in cm from base of capsule: 3.0cm, 4.0cm, both bsl, 1 with small tears to labels)

    Sale Price:

  219. Lot 285

    2 bottles of Savigny Les Beaune 1996, Les Vergelesses, Louis Jadot (1 slight capsule damage); 3 bottles of Chambolle Musigny 1970, Maison Doudet-Naudin (all slight bsl, 1 with

    Sale Price:

  220. Lot 286

    8 bottles of Domaine de la Croix Jacquelet Mercurey 1989, Faiveley

    Sale Price:

  221. Lot 287

    6 bottles of Chablis Grand Cru 1991 Les Preuses, La Chablisienne (1 with small nick to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  222. Lot 288

    3 bottles of Faiveley 1978 Chambolle Musigny (levels in cm below capsule: 3.4, 3.9, 5.0, scuffed labels and very slight capsule damage) and 4 bottles of Chambolle Musigny 1969

    Sale Price:

  223. Lot 289

    4 bottles of Mazis-Chambertin 1978, Faiveley (level in cm from base of capsule: (2.7, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7)

    Sale Price:

  224. Lot 290

    6 bottles of Chateau Guiraud 1976 1er Cru Sautermes (all in, 1 with corrosion damage to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  225. Lot 291

    3 bottles of Meursault 2001, Domaine Dupont-Fahn (2 with small tears to label); 1 bottle of Domaine Laroche Chablis Grand Cru, Les Bouguerots 1992 (slight bsl); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  226. Lot 292

    12 bottles of Chateau de Malle 2001 Sauternes, Comtes de Bournazet (owc)

    Sale Price:

  227. Lot 293

    6 magnums of Corton Grand Cru Les Bressandes 1995, Domaine Chandon de Briailles (2 with small tears to label)

    Sale Price:

  228. Lot 294

    4 bottles of Meursault-Charmes 2001 Domaine Roulot

    Sale Price:

  229. Lot 296

    2 bottles of Chambolle Musigny 1er Cru 1999 "Les Amoureuses", Groffier (1 slight bsl, 1 severe bsl)

    Sale Price:

  230. Lot 297

    3 bottles of Meursault Charmes Premier Cru 2008, Domaine des Comtes Lafon

    Sale Price:

  231. Lot 298

    3 bottles of Volnay Santenots-du-Milieu Premier Cru 2008, Domaine des Comtes Lafon (1 with bsl) and 1 bottle of Morey Saint Denis 2002 Domaine Dujac. 4 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  232. Lot 299

    6 bottles of Solaia, Toscana IGT, Antinori 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  233. Lot 300

    12 bottles of Yllera Reserva 1983, Los Curros, Tas (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 3 similar lots)

    Sale Price:

  234. Lot 301

    12 bottles of Yllera Reserva 1983, Los Curros, Tas (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  235. Lot 302

    12 bottles of Yllera Reserva 1983, Los Curros, Tas (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  236. Lot 303

    9 bottles of Yllera Reserva 1983, Los Curros, Tas (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  237. Lot 304

    1 bottle of Penfolds Grange Hermitage Bin 95, 1981(ts)

    Sale Price:

  238. Lot 305

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 10 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  239. Lot 306

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  240. Lot 307

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  241. Lot 308

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  242. Lot 309

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  243. Lot 310

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  244. Lot 311

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  245. Lot 312

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  246. Lot 313

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  247. Lot 314

    12 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  248. Lot 315

    11 bottles of Bragayne of Orange Tristan 2001 (Caberet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot blend), Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  249. Lot 316

    12 bottles of Bulong Estate 2001 Merlot, Australia, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 4 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  250. Lot 317

    12 bottles of Bulong Estate 2001 Merlot, Australia, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  251. Lot 318

    12 bottles of Bulong Estate 2001 Merlot, Australia, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  252. Lot 319

    12 bottles of Bulong Estate 2001 Merlot, Australia, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  253. Lot 320

    11 bottles of Bulong Estate 2001 Merlot, Australia, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  254. Lot 321

    12 bottles of High Constantia, Sebastian, 2003, South Africa (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  255. Lot 322

    12 bottles of High Constantia, Sebastian, 2003, South Africa (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  256. Lot 323

    12 bottles of High Constantia, Sebastian, 2003, South Africa (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  257. Lot 324

    12 bottles of Haan Barossa Valley Wilhelmus 2003, Australia, Tas (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 3 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  258. Lot 325

    12 bottles of Haan Barossa Valley Wilhelmus 2003, Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  259. Lot 326

    12 bottles of Haan Barossa Valley Wilhelmus 2003, Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  260. Lot 327

    11 bottles of Haan Barossa Valley Wilhelmus 2003, Australia, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  261. Lot 328

    12 bottles of Tomero Malbec 2004, Mendoza, Argentina (oc)

    Sale Price:

  262. Lot 329

    12 bottles of Infinitus 2004 Malbec-Syrah, Patagonia - Rio Negro, Argentina (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  263. Lot 330

    12 bottles of Infinitus 2004 Malbec-Syrah, Patagonia - Rio Negro, Argentina (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  264. Lot 334

    6 bottles of Staglin Family Vineyard Estate Chardonnay 2014, Rutherford, Napa Valley

    Sale Price:

  265. Lot 335

    4 bottles of Josmeyer Les Lutins 2012 Pinot Blanc; 1 bottle of Josmeyer Le Fromenteau 2011 Pinot Gris; 1 bottle of Josmeyer "H" Pinot Auxerrois Vieilles Vignes. 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  266. Lot 336

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of  9 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  267. Lot 337

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  268. Lot 338

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  269. Lot 339

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  270. Lot 340

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  271. Lot 341

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  272. Lot 342

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  273. Lot 343

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  274. Lot 344

    12 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  275. Lot 345

    11 bottles of Muruve 1989 Tinto Crianza, Toro, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  276. Lot 346

    1 bottle of Sasbacher Limberg 1992 Gewurztraminer Spatlese, Baden (bsl); 5 half bottles of Trimbach Tokay Pinot Gris 1992 (all bsl, 1 with detached label); 3 bottles of Kientsler

    Sale Price:

  277. Lot 347

    6 bottles of Cullen Diana Madeline 2005, Margaret River, Australia (oc)

    Sale Price:

  278. Lot 349

    6 bottles of Luigino Vecchie Vigne Lacrima di Morro D'Alba Superiore 2007, Luigi Gusti

    Sale Price:

  279. Lot 350

    1 bottle of Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Spatlese 2003; 1 bottle of Donnhoff Norheimer Delchen Riesling Spatlese 2005; 1 bottle of Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle

    Sale Price:

  280. Lot 351

    12 bottles of Mount Nelson 2007 Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough

    Sale Price:

  281. Lot 352

    3 bottles of Pulenta Estate 2005 Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina; 2 bottles of Catena 2005 Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina; 3 bottles of Mount Nelson 2007 Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New

    Sale Price:

  282. Lot 353

    12 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 5 lots)

    Sale Price:

  283. Lot 354

    12 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  284. Lot 355

    12 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  285. Lot 356

    12 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  286. Lot 357

    12 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  287. Lot 358

    11 bottles of Plandenas 1990 Reserva, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  288. Lot 359

    12 bottles of Riberal Tinto Crianza Cosecha 1988, Ribera del Duero, Tas (oc) (corrosion damage to capsules) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (this lot is sold with the option of 9

    Sale Price:

  289. Lot 360

    12 bottles of Riberal Tinto Crianza Cosecha 1988, Ribera del Duero, Tas (oc) (corrosion damage to capsules) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  290. Lot 369

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 9 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  291. Lot 370

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  292. Lot 371

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  293. Lot 372

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  294. Lot 373

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  295. Lot 374

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  296. Lot 375

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  297. Lot 376

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  298. Lot 377

    12 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  299. Lot 378

    11 bottles of Senor de Cascante Gran Reserva Tinto Cosecha 1989, Navarra, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  300. Lot 379

    12 bottles of Duc de Foix Tinto Reserva, Cosecha 1990, Penedes, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 4 lots)

    Sale Price:

  301. Lot 380

    12 bottles of Duc de Foix Tinto Reserva, Cosecha 1990, Penedes, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  302. Lot 381

    12 bottles of Duc de Foix Tinto Reserva, Cosecha 1990, Penedes, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  303. Lot 382

    12 bottles of Duc de Foix Tinto Reserva, Cosecha 1990, Penedes, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  304. Lot 383

    11 bottles of Duc de Foix Tinto Reserva, Cosecha 1990, Penedes, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  305. Lot 384

    12 bottles of Vina Labrada Reserva 1982, Carinena, Spain, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 4 lots)

    Sale Price:

  306. Lot 391

    12 bottles of Vina Madero Tinto Reserva 1984, Valdepenas, Spain, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (option lot)

    Sale Price:

  307. Lot 399

    12 bottles of Valserrano Rioja Crianza 2006, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  308. Lot 400

    12 bottles of Valserrano Rioja Crianza 2006, Tas (oc) (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  309. Lot 401

    7 bottles of Valserrano Rioja Crianza 2006, Tas (oc) (5 bsl)

    Sale Price:

  310. Lot 406

    12 bottles of McWilliam's Tumbarumba 2015 Pinot Noir, Australia (oc)  (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  311. Lot 407

    12 bottles of McWilliam's Tumbarumba 2015 Pinot Noir, Australia (oc)  (NO INTERNET BIDDING) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  312. Lot 408

    2 bottles of KWV Muscadel 1930 Late Bottled Vintage, Wine of Origin Boberg Superior (both in owc, 1 in, 1 vts)

    Sale Price:

  313. Lot 409

    2 bottles of Rheingau Winkeler Bienberg Riesling 1959 Feine Auslese (1 with capsule damage); 2 bottles of Pieroth Wormser Liebfrauenmorgen 1976 Beerenauslese (1 bsl and slight

    Sale Price:

  314. Lot 410

    1 bottle of Penfolds Grange 1997 (in)

    Sale Price:

  315. Lot 411

    1 bottle of Peter Michael Winery 'Belle Cote' 2008

    Sale Price:

  316. Lot 412

    6 bottles of Kanonkop 2006, Paul Sauer, South Africa

    Sale Price:

  317. Lot 413

    6 bottles of Jim Barry The Armagh1996 Shiraz (oc)

    Sale Price:

  318. Lot 414

    1 bottle of Barolo 1971, Giulio Mascarello (slight bsl); 1 bottle of Masi Recioto Della Valpolicella 1999 (scuffs to capsule); 1 bottle of Barolo 1971 Fratelli Barale (ts, slight

    Sale Price:

  319. Lot 415

    4 bottles of Vina Ardanza Rioja Reserva (2 slight bsl); 5 bottles of Marques de Grinon Emeritvs 1998 (all in) and 3 bottles ot Marques de Grinon Emeritvs 1997 (all in). 12 bottles

    Sale Price:

  320. Lot 416

    3 bottles of Carneros Pinot Noir 1994 Robert Mondavi (small scuffs to labels); 1 bottle of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1994 Robert Mondavi (nicks to label); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  321. Lot 417

    12 bottles of Imperial Gran Reserva Rioja 1999 (oc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  322. Lot 418

    4 bottles of Imperial Gran Reserva Rioja 1999; 1 bottle of Imperial Gran Reserva 1998; 3 bottles of Imperial Reserva Rioja 2001. 8 bottles in total (all in)

    Sale Price:

  323. Lot 419

    1 bottle of Balbi Soprani Barolo 2003; 4 bottles of Berberana Vina Alarde Grand Reserva 1997; 2 bottles of Berberana Vina Alarde Reserva 1999 (slight bsl). 7 bottles in total (all

    Sale Price:

  324. Lot 420

    12 bottles of Clarendon Hills Shiraz 1999, Piggot Range Vineyard, Clarendon, Australia (oc) (all hf)

    Sale Price:

  325. Lot 421

    3 magnums of Felton Road Pinot Noir 2012:- Set 2 - Calvert, Bann, Blk 5. (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  326. Lot 478

    12 bottles of Taylor's Port, Vintage 2011 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  327. Lot 479

    12 bottles of Taylor's Port, Vintage 2011 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  328. Lot 480

    12 bottles of Taylor's Port, Vintage 2011 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  329. Lot 481

    12 bottles of Cockburn's Port, Vintage 2011 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  330. Lot 482

    12 bottles of Cockburn's Port, Vintage 2011 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  331. Lot 483

    12 bottles of Quinta do Noval Port, Vintage 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  332. Lot 484

    24 half bottles of Churchill's Port, Vintage 2014 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  333. Lot 485

    1 bottle of Quinta do Noval Nacional Port, Vintage 2001 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  334. Lot 486

    1 bottle of Quinta do Noval Nacional Port, Vintage 2004 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  335. Lot 487

    12 bottles of Bollinger La Grande Année Brut, Vintage 2005 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  336. Lot 488

    12 bottles of Bollinger La Grande Année Brut, Vintage 2005 (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  337. Lot 489

    12 bottles of Dom Perignon Champagne, Vintage 2006 (Gift Box) (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  338. Lot 490

    6 bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal Brut, Vintage 2007 (Gift Box) (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  339. Lot 491

    6 bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal Brut, Vintage 2007 (Gift Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  340. Lot 492

    6 bottles of Louis Roederer Champagne, Cristal Brut, Vintage 2009 (Gift Box) (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  341. Lot 493

    6 bottles of Louis Roederer Champagne, Cristal Brut, Vintage 2009 (Gift Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  342. Lot 494

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 5 lots)

    Sale Price:

  343. Lot 495

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  344. Lot 496

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  345. Lot 497

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  346. Lot 498

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  347. Lot 499

    6 bottles of Bollinger James Bond 007 (Spectre Release), Vintage 2009 (Metal Chill Box) (In bond) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  348. Lot 500

    1 bottle of Bollinger Grande Annee 1985 (level 1cm from base of bottle when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  349. Lot 501

    1 bottle of Dom Perignon 1993 (level 1.1cm from base of bottle when inverted, tears to foil) and 1 bottle of Bollinger Special Cuvee Champagne. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  350. Lot 502

    1 bottle of Taylor's 40 year old Tawny Port (in presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  351. Lot 503

    6 bottles of Quinta do Vesuvio 2004 Vintage Port in wooden presentation case with ceramic bin label.

    Sale Price:

  352. Lot 504

    1 bottle of Moet et Chandon 1955 Dry Imperial Champagne (slight scuffs to upper label, level 1cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  353. Lot 505

    2 bottles of Ferreira Vintage 1960 Port (both in, 1 with bsl, 1 with slight label damage) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  354. Lot 506

    2 bottles of Ferreira Vintage 1960 Port (both in, 1 with bsl, 1 with slight label damage) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  355. Lot 507

    1 bottle of Calem 1922 Vintage Port (in, small nicks to label)

    Sale Price:

  356. Lot 508

    1 bottle of Dom Ruinart 1979 Blancs de Blancs Vintage Champagne (level 1cm from base when inverted, slight scuffs to label and capsule)

    Sale Price:

  357. Lot 509

    1 bottle of Moet et Chandon 1998 Millesime Blanc (level 1cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  358. Lot 510

    1 bottle of Bollinger Grande Annee 1982 (scuff to label)

    Sale Price:

  359. Lot 512

    12 bottles of Dow 1983 Vintage Port (owc) (8 in, 3 vts, 1 ts)

    Sale Price:

  360. Lot 513

    6 bottles of Niepoort 2003 Vintage Port (owc)

    Sale Price:

  361. Lot 514

    1 bottle of Kopke Colheita 1966 Port (owc) (slight capsule damage) and 1 bottle of Taylor's 30 year old Tawny Port (oc)

    Sale Price:

  362. Lot 515

    1 bottle of Croft 1963 Vintage Port (in, torn label)

    Sale Price:

  363. Lot 517

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, slight bsl and corrosion to foil) (This lot is sold with the option of 6

    Sale Price:

  364. Lot 518

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, slight bsl) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  365. Lot 519

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (oc) (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, corrosion damage to foil, bsl, damage and discolouration to box) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  366. Lot 520

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (oc) (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, slight bsl, slight damage to box) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  367. Lot 521

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (oc) (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, damage to box) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  368. Lot 522

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (oc) (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, slight damage and discolouration to box) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  369. Lot 523

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 Champagne (oc) (level 0.5cm from base of bottle when inverted, slight damage and discolouration to boxl) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  370. Lot 524

    2 bottles of Royal Oporto 1983 (both in, 1 bsl); 1 bottle of Delaforce Port, Unknown Vintage (in, heavy bsl, capsule damage); 1 bottle of Cockburns 1950's Vintage Port (ms, no

    Sale Price:

  371. Lot 525

    3 bottles of Delaforce 1977 Vintage Port (all in, all heavy bsl, 1 with label only partially present) and 1 bottle of Delaforce Vintage Port, believed to be 1977 (vts, heavy bsl,

    Sale Price:

  372. Lot 526

    11 bottles of Delaforce 1963 Vintage Port (1 in, damaged capsule and bsl; 7 in, damaged capsules and heavy bsl; 1 in, no capsule and heavy bsl; 1 in, severe capsule damage and

    Sale Price:

  373. Lot 527

    2 bottles of Da Silva 1963 Vintage Port, bottled 1965 for Henekeys Ltd (1 vts, 1 ts, slight bsl, 1 with slight capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  374. Lot 528

    1 bottle of Sandeman 1983 Late Bottled Vintage Port (owc); 1 bottle of Quinta do Castelinho White Porto; 1 bottle of Jost Vineyards Nova Scotia Port Wine, Canada (slight damage to

    Sale Price:

  375. Lot 529

    1 bottle of Krug Grande Cuvee Champagne (in presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  376. Lot 530

    1 bottle of Dom Perignon 1995 Vintage Champagne (oc) (level 1cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  377. Lot 531

    8 bottles of Graham 1997 Vintage Port (in 2 x owc)

    Sale Price:

  378. Lot 532

    4 bottles of Fonseca 1985 Vintage Port, Fonseca Guimaraens (3 in, 1 vts)

    Sale Price:

  379. Lot 533

    2 bottles of Graham 1983 Vintage Port (both in and bsl) and 1 bottle of Calem 1983 Vintage Port (in, some capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  380. Lot 534

    1 bottle of Taylor's 1977 Vintage Port (vts, cork very slightly raised) and 1 bottle of Delaforce 1977 Vintage Port (in). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  381. Lot 536

    5 bottles of Piper-Heidsieck Brut Champagne and 1 bottle of Perrier-Jouet Brut Champagne. 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  382. Lot 537

    1 bottle of Moet et Chandon 1981 Dry Imperial Champagne; 1 bottle of Lanson Black Label Champagne; 1 bottle of Alfred Gratien 1970 Brut Champagne. 3 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  383. Lot 538

    1 bottle of Taittinger 1998 Comtes de Champagne (level 0.7cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  384. Lot 539

    1 bottle of Dom Perignon 1996 Vintage Champagne in presentation box (level 1.1cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  385. Lot 540

    1 bottle of Krug 1979 Vintage Champagne (level 6mm from base when inverted, bsl and scuffs to foil)

    Sale Price:

  386. Lot 541

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne 1985, in presentation box (level 7mm from base when inverted, slight discolouration to labels)

    Sale Price:

  387. Lot 542

    12 bottles of Graham's 1985 Vintage Port (owc) (1 with signs of seep)

    Sale Price:

  388. Lot 543

    1 bottle of Moet et Chandon Brut Imperial Champagne; 1 bottle of Jean Richecourt Brut Champagne (slight bsl); 1 bottle of Henriot Brut Millesime 1988 Champagne (scuffs to label);

    Sale Price:

  389. Lot 544

    6 bottles of Quinta do Vesuvio 1994 Vintage Port in wooden presentation case, with ceramic bin label (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  390. Lot 545

    6 bottles of Quinta do Vesuvio 1994 Vintage Port in wooden presentation case, with ceramic bin label (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  391. Lot 546

    6 bottles of Morgan's 1977 Vintage Port (5 in, 1 us with signs of historical seep)

    Sale Price:

  392. Lot 547

    1 bottle of Port Wine 1948 bottled for The Law Trading Company Limited (in, damage to wax seal) and 3 bottles of Borrajo Vinho do Porto Velho, Garrafeira Particular, 10 years old

    Sale Price:

  393. Lot 548

    1 bottle of Gould Campbell 1955 Vintage Port (vts, bsl, nick to label, damage to capsule); 1 bottle of Churchill's Crusted Port, bottled 1986 (in, signs of seep); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  394. Lot 549

    1 bottle of Dom Perignon 1988, in presentation box (level 1cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  395. Lot 550

    6 bottles of Quinta do Vesuvio 1995 Vintage Port in wooden presentation box, with ceramic bin label.

    Sale Price:

  396. Lot 551

    1 bottle of Boal Madeira 1900, Manuel de Sousa Herdeiros (in, damage to capsule, bsl)

    Sale Price:

  397. Lot 552

    1 bottle of Commendador Port Wine, shipped by Feuerheerd Bros & Co (tear to label), in silk lined wooden presentation box with bottle accessories.

    Sale Price:

  398. Lot 553

    3 bottles of Gould Campbell 1977 Vintage Port (2 in, 1 vts, 2 with stains to label); 1 bottle of Fonseca 1980 Vintage Port (ms); 2 bottles of Delaforce 1975 Vintage Port (1 in, 1

    Sale Price:

  399. Lot 554

    12 bottles of Hoopers 1985 Vintage Port

    Sale Price:

  400. Lot 555

    3 bottles believed to be Graham's 1948 Vintage Port (no labels, damaged capsules, all with signs of seep, 1 in, 1 ls, 1 vls)

    Sale Price:

  401. Lot 556

    2 bottles of Taylor's 1948, bottled by Tanner & Southam Ltd, Shrewsbury (both in, slight bsl) 'TAYLORS 1948' is written in ink on the label.

    Sale Price:

  402. Lot 557

    1 bottle of Taylor's 1945 Vintage Port (ms, capsule damage, most of label missing, signs of historical seep)

    Sale Price:

  403. Lot 558

    6 bottles of Quinta do Passadouro 1997 Vintage Port (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  404. Lot 559

    5 bottles of Warre's 1977 Vintage Port (2 in, 3 vts (all bsl with small nicks to labels) and 2 bottles of Warre's 1984 Late Bottled Vintage Port (in, slight bsl). 7 bottles in

    Sale Price:

  405. Lot 560

    9 bottles of Quinta Do Passadouro LBV 1995 (all in, all slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  406. Lot 561

    1 bottle of Taylor's 1977 Vintage Port (ts, signs of historical seep, small nicks to label) and 1 bottle of Dow 1963 Vintage Port, shipped by Charles Kinloch & Co (vts, slight

    Sale Price:

  407. Lot 562

    1 bottle of Niepoort 1912 Colheita (in, slight capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  408. Lot 564

    1 bottle of Gould Campbell 1970, shipped by Clode & Baker Ltd (in, cork drop) and 1 magnum of Saint Chinian 2000 Selection Les Vignerons Rouette. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  409. Lot 565

    6 bottles of Taylor's 1985 Vintage Port (owc)

    Sale Price:

  410. Lot 566

    9 bottles of Taylor's 1985 Vintage Port (owc)

    Sale Price:

  411. Lot 567

    6 bottles of Croft 1970 Vintage Port (owc) (3 in, 2 vts, 1 ts, 2 with signs of historical seep)

    Sale Price:

  412. Lot 568

    12 bottles of Quarles Harris 1977 Vintage Port (owc) (all in, 3 with detached labels, all slight bsl, 6 with corrosion staining to capsules)

    Sale Price:

  413. Lot 569

    12 bottles of Dow 1994 Vintage Port (owc) (all in)

    Sale Price:

  414. Lot 570

    12 bottles of Warre 2000 Vintage Port (owc)

    Sale Price:

  415. Lot 571

    1 botle of Dom Perignon 1969 Vintage Champagne (level 1cm from base when inverted,small scuffs to label, foil missing from 2/3 of cork)

    Sale Price:

  416. Lot 572

    1 botle of Dom Perignon 1982 Vintage Champagne (level 1cm from base when inverted,small scuffs to label, wear to foil) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  417. Lot 573

    1 botle of Dom Perignon 1982 Vintage Champagne (level 1.2 cm from base when inverted,small scuffs to label, wear to foil) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  418. Lot 574

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 1983 (level 0.8cm from base when inverted, slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  419. Lot 575

    5 bottles of Real Compania Velha 1985 Vintage Port (all in, 1 with signs of historical seep)

    Sale Price:

  420. Lot 576

    1 bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal 2002 (oc)

    Sale Price:

  421. Lot 577

    1 Magnum of Laurent Perrier Rose (oc)

    Sale Price:

  422. Lot 578

    1 bottle of Berry Bros & Rudd Vintage Port 1963 Berry's Own Selection (in); 1 bottle of Berry Bros & Rudd "Crown" Port Finest Dark Tawny, Many Years in Wood (in); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  423. Lot 579

    1 bottle of Cockburn 1967 Vintage Port, bottled 1969 for Berry Bros & Rudd (us, slight bsl ); 1 bottle of Cockburn;s 1985 Vintage Port (in, slight damage to wax seal); 1 bottle of

    Sale Price:

  424. Lot 580

    1 bottle of Quinta do Noval 1963 Vintage Port (ls, no label); 1 bottle of Quinta do Noval 1970 VIntage Port (vts); 2 bottles of Warre's 1975 Vintage Port (both in, 1 bsl, 1 no

    Sale Price:

  425. Lot 581

    1 bottle of Croft 1977 Vintage Port (in, bsl) and 1 bottle of Croft 1982 Vintage Port (ts, bsl, slight staining to capsule). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  426. Lot 582

    1 bottle of Offley Boa Vista 1960 Vintage Port (in, bsl) and 1 bottle of Offley Boa Vista 1972 VIntage Port (ms, bsl). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  427. Lot 583

    2 bottles of Sandeman 1963 Vintage Port (1 in, 1 vts, both heavy bsl); 3 bottles of Sandeman 1972 Vintage Port (1 ts, 1 us, 1 ms, all with capsule damage, signs of seep, 2 bsl, 1

    Sale Price:

  428. Lot 584

    1 bottle of Quinta do Noval LB Port (in); 3 bottles of Taylor's 1981 LBV Port (all in); 1 bottle of Quinta do Noval 1998 LBV Port (in); 3 bottles of Harvey's Hunting Port (2 vts,

    Sale Price:

  429. Lot 585

    2 bottles of Feuerheerd's 1957 Vintage Port (1 vts, no capsule, slightly depressed cork; 1 heavy bsl, capsule damage, signs of seep).

    Sale Price:

  430. Lot 586

    1 bottle of Croft 1955 Vintage Port (ms, sign of seep, slight capsule damage and scuffed label)

    Sale Price:

  431. Lot 587

    1 bottle of Bollinger RD 1982 (heavy bsl, level 1.5cm from base when inverted)

    Sale Price:

  432. Lot 588

    3 bottles of De Castellane Champagne, Commodore 1997 (1 slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  433. Lot 589

    7 bottles of De Castellane Champagne NV (2 bsl, 1 with partially detached label)

    Sale Price:

  434. Lot 591

    12 bottles of Warre's 1985 Vintage Port (owc) (2 bsl, 10 slight bsl, 1 with sign of slight seep)

    Sale Price:

  435. Lot 593

    2 bottles of Dow 1960 Vintage Port, bottled for Grants of St James (1 vts, 1 ts, both bsl, both with capsule damage and 1 with signs of seep) and 1 bottle of Dow 1960 Vintage Port

    Sale Price:

  436. Lot 594

    3 bottles of Sandeman 1963 Vintage Port (2 in, 1 vts, 1 heavy bsl, 2 slight bsl, corrosion stains to 1 capsule) and 2 bottles of Sandeman 1966 Vintage Port (1 in, 1 us, 1 with

    Sale Price:

  437. Lot 595

    1 bottle of Offley 1963 Vintage Port (in, bsl); 1 bottle of Offley 1962 Vintage Port (bsl, signs of seep); 4 bottles of Smith Woodhouse 1970 Vintage Port (2 us, 1 ms, 1 very low

    Sale Price:

  438. Lot 596

    12 bottles of Sandeman 1972 Vintage Port ( heavy bsl and capsule damage, seeping, 3 vts, 2 ts, 3 us, 4 ms).

    Sale Price:

  439. Lot 597

    12 bottles of Taylor's 1983 Vintage Port (owc) (9 in, 1 vts, 2 ts, 3 with labels partially detached)

    Sale Price:

  440. Lot 617

    12 bottles of Cotes du Rhone, La Ferme du Mont "Le Ponnant" 2005 (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  441. Lot 618

    12 bottles of Cotes du Rhone, La Ferme du Mont "Le Ponnant" 2005 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  442. Lot 619

    12 bottles of Cotes du Rhone, La Ferme du Mont "Le Ponnant" 2005 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  443. Lot 620

    2 bottles of Pavillon Blanc 1992 Chateau du Margaux (both in and bsl)

    Sale Price:

  444. Lot 621

    1 bottle of Auxey-Duresses 1997 Coche-Dury (scuff to label)

    Sale Price:

  445. Lot 622

    1 bottle of Chassagne Montrachet 1997 1er Cru Morgeot, Colin Deleger (slightly crumpled label); 4 bottles of Nuits Saint Georges 1998, Alain Michelot (3 slight bsl); 2 bottles of

    Sale Price:

  446. Lot 623

    1 bottle of Volnay Premier Cru 1997, Coche Dury

    Sale Price:

  447. Lot 624

    2 bottles of Cote Rotie 1994 Brune et Blonde de Guigal (slightly depressed corks); 2 bottles of Cote Rotie 1995 Brune et Blonde de Guigal. 4 bottles in total (small nicks to

    Sale Price:

  448. Lot 625

    1 bottle of Cote Rotie 1998, Michel Ogier and 1 bottle of Les Bessards Hermitage 1994, Delas Freres. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  449. Lot 626

    2 half bottles of Chateau Coutet 2005 Sauternes-Barsac; 2 half bottles of Chateau de Rayne Vigneau 2005 Sauternes; 2 half bottles of Chateau Doisy Daene 2005 Sauternes; 2 half

    Sale Price:

  450. Lot 627

    2 bottles of Chateau de Vaudieu Chateauneuf du Pape 2007; 2 bottles of Andre Brunel Chateauneuf du Pape 1998, Les Cailloux; 2 bottles of Domaine Font de Michelle 2005 Chateauneuf

    Sale Price:

  451. Lot 628

    2 bottles of Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 2000, Domaine Marc Colin (both slight bsl); 2 bottles of Domaine Michelot Meursault "Les Grand Charrons" 2011; 2 bottles of Puligny

    Sale Price:

  452. Lot 629

    3 magnums of Trimbach Pinot Gris 1996 (oc) (slight scuffing to labels)

    Sale Price:

  453. Lot 632

    24 half bottles of Chateau Rieussec, 1er cru Sauternes 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  454. Lot 636

    4 bottles of Bourgogne Pinot Noir, Ghislaine Barthod 2005

    Sale Price:

  455. Lot 637

    3 bottles of Cote-Rotie Cote Blonde, Rene Rostaing 1999

    Sale Price:

  456. Lot 640

    1 bottle of Hermitage 1978, Bellicard (bsl with tear) and 1 bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape Les Clos du Caillou 2005. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  457. Lot 700

    1 bottle of Penderyn Cask Strength First Release, bottle number 54 of a limited edition of 450, 4 years old, bottled 2004, 61.8% vol, 70cl, in wooden presentation case with

    Sale Price:

  458. Lot 701

    1 bottle of Penderyn Peated Edition, 70cl, 50% vol, limited release bottle number 204 of 1000, plus 5cl bottle in wooden presentation case with certificate of authenticity.

    Sale Price:

  459. Lot 702

    3 bottles of Grand Solage Boulard Calvados, Pays d'Auge, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Hennessy Pure White Cognac,

    Sale Price:

  460. Lot 703

    3 bottles of Dettling Edel-Kirschbrand, Sortenrein Pure Langsteiler (1 x 2000, 2 x 2001 - one of 900 bottles), 35cl, 40% vol (in gift tins)

    Sale Price:

  461. Lot 706

    1 bottle of Dalwhinnie 15 years old, 70cl, 43% vol (oc); 1 bottle of Highland Park aged 12 years, 40% vol, 70cl (oc); 1 bottle of Laphroaig 10 years old, 30% vol, 70cl (oc); 1

    Sale Price:

  462. Lot 707

    1 bottle of Romana Black Liquore di Sambuca, 700ml, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Luxardo Sambuca Dei Cesari, 700ml, 38% vol; 1 bottle of Molinari Sambuca Extra, 700ml, 38% vol; 1 bottle

    Sale Price:

  463. Lot 708

    3 bottles of Stolichnaya Russian Vodka, 70cl, 40% vol; 2 bottles of Grey Goose Vodka, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Gordon's Dry Gin, 70cl, 37.5% vol. 6 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  464. Lot 709

    3 bottles of Grand Marnier, 700ml, 40% alc/vol; 2 bottles of Cointreau, 0.70l, 40% vol (1 with slight seep); 1 bottle of Ricard Pastis de Marseille, 70cl, 45% vol. 6 bottles in

    Sale Price:

  465. Lot 710

    2 bottles of Po Moscato di Poli, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Grappa Pinot Noir, Roner, 0.5l, 43% vol; 1 bottle of Grappa Fior di Vite Ramazzotti, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Pitu do

    Sale Price:

  466. Lot 711

    2 bottles of Vino Santo, Antinori; 3 bottles of Cinzano Bianco, 75cl; 1 bottle of Kummel Wolfschmidt, 50cl; 1 bottle of Baileys Irish Cream, 700ml; 1 bottle of Tio Pepe Fino, 2

    Sale Price:

  467. Lot 712

    2 x 1.5 litre bottles of Gordon's Dry Gin; 3 bottles of Famous Grouse, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Southern Comfort, 0.70l, 35% vol; 1 bottle of Jack Daniel's, 70cl, 40% vol. 7

    Sale Price:

  468. Lot 713

    2 bottles of Lochranza Founders' Reserve, Isle of Arran, 40% vol, 70cl

    Sale Price:

  469. Lot 714

    3 bottles of Brecon Five Vodka, Penderyn Distillery, 70cl; 1 bottle of Brennen & Brown Vodka with a hint of cardamom & plum, 70cl; 2 bottles of Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila

    Sale Price:

  470. Lot 715

    1 decanter of McGibbon's Master's Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky 'The Golfer;s Decanter'. In ceramic decanter showing The Old Course at St Andrews.

    Sale Price:

  471. Lot 716

    1 bottle of Brora aged 21 years, distilled 1977, Rare Malts Selection, Natural Cask Strength 56.90% vol, 70cl, Limited Edition bottle No. 5969

    Sale Price:

  472. Lot 717

    1 bottle of Glenury Royal aged 29 years, distilled 1970, Rare Malts Selection, Natural Cask Strength 57.0% vol, 70cl, Limited Edition bottle No. 2967 (rear label detached, in

    Sale Price:

  473. Lot 718

    1 bottle of Teaninich aged 23 years, distilled 1973, Rare Malts Selection, Natural Cask Strength 57.1% vol, 70cl, Limited Edition bottle No. 3050 (oc, small scuff to label)

    Sale Price:

  474. Lot 719

    1 bottle of Mortlach aged 20 years, distilled 1978, Rare Malts Selection, Natural Cask Strength 62.2% vol, 70cl, Limited Edition bottle No. 3111 (oc)

    Sale Price:

  475. Lot 720

    1 bottle of Rosebank, aged 12 years, Lowland Single Malt, Flora and Fauna Collection, 43% vol, 70cl (scuffs to label and severe damage to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  476. Lot 721

    1 bottle of Dufftown Glenlivet aged 10 years, Arthur Bell & Sons, 75cl, 40% vol, 1980's bottling (oc); 1 bottle of Blair Atholl aged 8 years, Arthur Bell & Sons, 75cl, 40% vol,

    Sale Price:

  477. Lot 722

    1 bottle of Knockando 1979 Extra Old, distilled in 1979, bottled in 2000, 70cl, 43% vol, matured in Oak Butts (in presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  478. Lot 723

    2 bottles of Lagavulin, aged 16 years, 70cl/700ml, 43% vol, 1990's bottling (oc)

    Sale Price:

  479. Lot 724

    1 bottle of Hennessy Grande Champagne Cognac, Vintage 1959, Landed 1963, Bottled 1985 for Morgan Furze, 40% vol (slight bsl and scuff to bottom of label)

    Sale Price:

  480. Lot 725

    Approximately 150 Whisky Miniatures, predominantly blended

    Sale Price:

  481. Lot 726

    Approximately 150 miniature liqueurs, spirits and beers

    Sale Price:

  482. Lot 727

    1 bottle of John Jameson & Son Whiskey, 3 star, believed 1930's bottling

    Sale Price:

  483. Lot 728

    1 bottle of Glenfarclas 21 years old, 26 2/3 fl oz, 75.7cl, 70 proof (oc)

    Sale Price:

  484. Lot 729

    1 bottle of Rutherford's 12 year old Scotch Whisky in Ceramic Jug decanter (oc) and 1 bottle of Dimple, 70 proof, 26 2/3 fl oz (oc). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  485. Lot 730

    1 bottle of Justerini & Brooks Pale & Dry Grande Champagne Cognac, 40% vol, 68cl (slight bsl and small scuffs to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  486. Lot 731

    1 bottle of Thornton Castle Menzies Cask Strength Single Speyside Malt Whisky, distilled at Macallan Distillery, 12 years old, distilled 6th March 1989, bottled 29th October 2001,

    Sale Price:

  487. Lot 732

    6 bottles of H by Hine VSOP Cognac, Tas (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  488. Lot 734

    12 miniature bottles (5cl) of Hine Antique XO Cognac, Tas

    Sale Price:

  489. Lot 736

    1 bottle of Whyte & Mackay De Luxe 12 year old Whisky, produced for the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, in original gift box.

    Sale Price:

  490. Lot 737

    1 bottle of Domaine de Maupas Bas-Armagnac 1970 (owc)

    Sale Price:

  491. Lot 740

    10 assorted miniatures including White Horse 1941 and Dimple Haig

    Sale Price:

  492. Lot 743

    3 bottles of French Pure Grape Brandy, selected and bottled in France for The WIne Society, 70cl, 40% vol (stains to capsules) and 1 bottle of Renault 3* Cognac, 68cl, 40% vol. 4

    Sale Price:

  493. Lot 744

    2 bottles of Baron de Casterac Grand Armagnac Millesime 1962

    Sale Price:

  494. Lot 745

    1 bottle of The Scotch Malt Whisky Society, Cask No. 1.7, distilled Jan '75, bottled Apr '85, 57.8% vol, 75cl. 'GENN FARCLAS' is handwritten on the bottle (bsl)

    Sale Price:

  495. Lot 746

    1 bottle of Bas Armagnac Francis Darroze 1956 (slight scuff to label)

    Sale Price:

  496. Lot 750

    1 bottle of Tamdhu, distilled 1971, bottled 2011, The MacPhail's Collection, 70cl, 43% vol

    Sale Price:

  497. Lot 751

    1 bottle of Benromach 30 years old, 70cl, 43% vol

    Sale Price:

  498. Lot 752

    1 bottle of Longmorn distilled 1971, bottled 2011, Gordon & MacPhail, 70cl, 43% vol

    Sale Price:

  499. Lot 755

    1 bottle of Macallan 1961, Matured in Sherry wood, bottled by Campbell, Hope & King, Elgin, 1970's bottling, 26 2/3 fl oz / 75cl, 80 proof (slight bsl, small tear to bottom right

    Sale Price:

  500. Lot 756

    1 bottle of Dimple Haig Whisky, 70 proof, 26 2/3 fl oz (oc) and 1 bottle of Lemon Hart Royal Navy Demerara Rum, 151 proof, 40 fl oz. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  501. Lot 757

    1 bottle of Glengoyne 1993 Single Cask (No. 8) Whisky, 56.5% vol, 70cl (in wooden presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  502. Lot 758

    1 miniature bottle of Port Ellen 27 years old, 51.8%, The Golden Cask; 1 miniature bottle of Port Ellen 10 years old, Scottish Wildlife Series; 1 miniature bottle of The

    Sale Price:

  503. Lot 759

    1 bottle of The Abbots Choice Whisky (identified by neck label) (old bottling)

    Sale Price:

  504. Lot 760

    3 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  505. Lot 761

    3 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  506. Lot 762

    3 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  507. Lot 763

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 6 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  508. Lot 764

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  509. Lot 765

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  510. Lot 766

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  511. Lot 767

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  512. Lot 768

    6 bottles of Chateau de Lacaze 1981 Bas Armagnac, Tas (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  513. Lot 770

    12 bottles of Johnnie Walker Red Label, early 1970's bottling, 26 2/3 fl oz, 70 proof (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  514. Lot 771

    12 bottles of Johnnie Walker Red Label, early 1970's bottling, 26 2/3 fl oz, 70 proof (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  515. Lot 772

    12 bottles of Johnnie Walker Red Label, early 1970's bottling, 26 2/3 fl oz, 70 proof (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  516. Lot 773

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 5

    Sale Price:

  517. Lot 774

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  518. Lot 775

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  519. Lot 776

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  520. Lot 777

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  521. Lot 779

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 5 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  522. Lot 780

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  523. Lot 781

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  524. Lot 782

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  525. Lot 783

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  526. Lot 784

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Tomintoul 1989, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 29th August 1989, bottled March 2008 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  527. Lot 785

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Glenlivet 1979, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 26th March 1979, bottled June 2010 (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 1 lot)

    Sale Price:

  528. Lot 786

    6 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Glenlivet 1979, Single Cask, 43%, 70cl, distilled 26th March 1979, bottled June 2010 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  529. Lot 787

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (This lot is sold with the option of 7 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  530. Lot 788

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  531. Lot 789

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  532. Lot 790

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  533. Lot 791

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  534. Lot 792

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  535. Lot 793

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  536. Lot 794

    6 bottles of Jewels of Scotland Aberlour, aged 25 years in Bourbon Casks, distilled 1970, Lombard, 46% alc/vol, 70cl (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  537. Lot 795

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Bowmore 1989, Single Cask, Cask Strength Sherry Wood, 57.4% vol, 70cl, distilled 3rd April 1989, bottled May 2007 (oc) (This lot is sold with the

    Sale Price:

  538. Lot 796

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Bowmore 1989, Single Cask, Cask Strength Sherry Wood, 57.4% vol, 70cl, distilled 3rd April 1989, bottled May 2007 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  539. Lot 797

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Bowmore 1989, Single Cask, Cask Strength Sherry Wood, 57.4% vol, 70cl, distilled 3rd April 1989, bottled May 2007 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  540. Lot 800

    1 bottle of Chateau Lascombes 1979 Margaux (ls); 1 bottle of Chateau Segonnes 1982 Margaux (ts); 1 bottle of Rose de Lascombes 1985 Bordeaux Superieur, Alexis Lichine (us). 3

    Sale Price:

  541. Lot 801

    1 bottle of Chateau La Dominique 1998 St Emilion; 1 bottle of Chateau Berliquet 1998 St Emilion and 1 bottle of Chateau Poujeaux 1986 Moulis en Medoc. 3 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  542. Lot 802

    4 bottles of Chateau L'Arrossee 1962 (1 ts with cork drop, 1 ts with severe colour drop, 1 vts, 1 us with cork drop, all bsl)

    Sale Price:

  543. Lot 803

    12 bottles of Chateau Fombrauge 2005 St Emilion Grand Cru (owc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  544. Lot 804

    12 bottles of Chateau Fombrauge 2005 St Emilion Grand Cru (owc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  545. Lot 805

    12 bottles of Chateau Fombrauge 2005 St Emilion Grand Cru (owc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  546. Lot 813

    12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de Mons 2000 Margaux (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  547. Lot 814

    12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de Mons 2000 Margaux (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  548. Lot 815

    12 bottles of Chateau Les Grandes Murailles 2004 Grand Cru St Emilion (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  549. Lot 816

    12 bottles of Chateau Les Grandes Murailles 2004 Grand Cru St Emilion (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  550. Lot 817

    12 bottles of Chateau La Croix 1996 Pomerol, Tas (8 in, 4 vts) (This lot is sold with the option of 7 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  551. Lot 818

    12 bottles of Chateau La Croix 1996 Pomerol, Tas (11 in, 1 vts) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  552. Lot 819

    12 bottles of Chateau La Croix 1996 Pomerol, Tas (4 in, 6 vts, 2 ts) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  553. Lot 825

    12 bottles of Chateau Montrose 2005 (owc)

    Sale Price:

  554. Lot 826

    6 bottles of Chateau Pavie Macquin 2005 St Emilion (owc)

    Sale Price:

  555. Lot 827

    2 bottles of Chateau Grand-Puy-Lacoste 1966 Saint Guirons Pauillac (both in, 1 with slightly depressed cork, severely torn labels, worn and marked capsules) and 4 bottles Chateau

    Sale Price:

  556. Lot 829

    2 bottles of Chateau Leoville Poyferre 1970 Saint Julien (1 ms, 1 ls, both slight bsl with nicks to labels) and 1 with small nicks to capsule) and 2 bottles of Grand Vin de

    Sale Price:

  557. Lot 830

    15 half bottles of Chateau Margaux 1970 Premier Grand Cru Classe (6 ts, 3 us, 3 ms, 3 ls, all slight bsl with nicks to labels, 1 with tears to side of label, 10 with slightly

    Sale Price:

  558. Lot 831

    1 bottle of Chateau Margaux 1970 (ms,slight bsl with small nicks to label)

    Sale Price:

  559. Lot 832

    1 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1970 (ls, small hole in top of capsule, slightly depressed cork, slight bsl with small nicks to label)

    Sale Price:

  560. Lot 833

    9 bottles of Chateau Margaux 1966 Premier Grand Cru Classe (1 ts, 1 us, 5 ms, 2 ls, 6 slight bsl, 1 bsl, 2 severe bsl, all with small nicks to labels, 3 with slightly depresesed

    Sale Price:

  561. Lot 834

    12 bottles of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1976 Pauillac (5 vts, 2 ts, 5 us, 6 bsl, 5 slight bsl, 1 with faded label, all with small nicks to labels, 7 with slightly depressed

    Sale Price:

  562. Lot 835

    1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 Pauillac (vts, large tear to label, slight staining to capsule) (This lot is sold with the option of 6 additional lots)

    Sale Price:

  563. Lot 838

    1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 Pauillac (vts, large tear to label) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  564. Lot 841

    1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 Pauillac (vts, tear to label, slight bsl) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  565. Lot 843

    2 bottles of Chateau Pavie 1982 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe (1 in with small nick to label, 1 vts with tears to label)

    Sale Price:

  566. Lot 844

    2 bottles of Chateau Longueville 1970 au Baron de Pichon Longueville (both ts, both slight bsl, 1 with faded label, both with small nicks to labels, both with slightly depressed

    Sale Price:

  567. Lot 845

    1 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1967 (ls, bsl, small tears to label)

    Sale Price:

  568. Lot 846

    1 bottle of Chateau La Lagune 1978 Haut Medoc (in, small nicks to label) and 5 bottles of Chateau La Lagune 1982 Haut Medoc (1 in, 1 vts, 2 ts, 1 ms, slight staining to 2

    Sale Price:

  569. Lot 847

    1 bottle of Chateau Margaux 1975 Premier Grand Cru Classe (ls, slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  570. Lot 848

    1 bottle of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1945 (ms, no label)

    Sale Price:

  571. Lot 849

    1 bottle of Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1976 Saint Julien (vts, small tears to label) and 1 bottle of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1989 Saint Julien (us). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  572. Lot 850

    8 bottles of Chateau Haut Brion 1976 Graves (all in, all with tears to labels, 1 with severe bsl)

    Sale Price:

  573. Lot 851

    A vertical selection of Chateau Lafleur Pomerol from 2000-2006 (all in, slightly depressed cork on 2001 and 2006, very slight bsl to 2002, slight bsl to 2001, 2004, 2005, 2005 and

    Sale Price:

  574. Lot 852

    12 bottles of Chateau Ferriere 2002 Margaux (owc)

    Sale Price:

  575. Lot 853

    5 bottles of Chateau Moulin de la Rose 2000 Saint Julien (all in) and 5 bottles of Givry 1er Cru, Clos Salomon 2009. 10 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  576. Lot 856

    6 bottles of Ludon de Gernan Desbarats 1929 Bordeaux, believed to be private stock from Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou (2 us, 4 ms, 1 depressed cork and seeping, 1 raised cork, 3 with

    Sale Price:

  577. Lot 857

    6 bottles of Chateau Fourcas Hosten 1983 (3 in, 2 vts, 1 ts, all slight bsl)

    Sale Price:

  578. Lot 858

    1 bottle of Chateau Labegorce 1993 Margaux (ts) and 1 bottle of Meursault 'Les Tillets' 2006, Domaine Francois et Antoine Jobard. 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  579. Lot 859

    5 bottles of La Grange Neuve de Figeac 1987 Saint Emilion (all in)

    Sale Price:

  580. Lot 860

    1 bottle of Mouton Cadet 1987 Baron Philippe (us, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Mouton Baronne Philippe 1982 en hommage a Pauline (ts, slight bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau

    Sale Price:

  581. Lot 861

    12 bottles of Chateau de Fonbel 2005 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (2 slight bsl) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)

    Sale Price:

  582. Lot 862

    12 bottles of Chateau de Fonbel 2005 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (2 slight bsl) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  583. Lot 863

    12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 2015 Margaux (owc)

    Sale Price:

  584. Lot 864

    1 bottle of Carruades de Lafite 1995 Pauillac (in)

    Sale Price:

  585. Lot 865

    1 bottle of Chateau Anthonic 1989 Moulis Medoc (us, bsl); 4 bottles of Chateau Cadet-Bon 1999 Saint Emilion (3 in, 1 vts, 1 capsule damage, all slight bsl); 6 bottles of Chateau

    Sale Price:

  586. Lot 866

    5 bottles of Chateau Duhart Milon 1996 Pauillac (all in)

    Sale Price:

  587. Lot 867

    1 bottle of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1986 (in, small tear to right of label)

    Sale Price:

  588. Lot 868

    4 bottles of Chateau La Croix du Casse 1996 Pomerol (all in)

    Sale Price:

  589. Lot 869

    8 bottles of Chateau Les Ormes de Pez 1995 Saint Estephe (all in)

    Sale Price:

  590. Lot 870

    2 bottles of Chateau Potensac 1994 Medoc (both in, 1 slight bsl); 5 bottles of Chateau Potensac 2002 Medoc (all in, 3 slight bsl); 1 bottle of Les Allees de Cantemerle 1995 Haut

    Sale Price:

  591. Lot 871

    3 bottles of Chateau Poujeaux 1995 Moulis-en-Medoc (all in, 2 slight bsl); 5 bottles of Chateau Poujeaux 1998 Moulis-en-Medoc (all in, 3 slight bsl); 3 bottles of La Dame de

    Sale Price:

  592. Lot 872

    9 bottles of Les Fiefs de Lagrange 1996 Saint-Julien (8 in, 1 ts, all slight bsl, 1 with small nick to capsule)

    Sale Price:

  593. Lot 873

    2 bottles of Les Forts de Latour 1996 Pauillac (both in)

    Sale Price:

  594. Lot 874

    1 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild, believed to be 1945. Taken from a rack alongside other 1945s (ms, no label)

    Sale Price:

  595. Lot 875

    12 bottles of Chateau Latour 1973 Pauillac (owc, without lid) (6 ms, 1 us, 3 ls, 2 ls with sign of seep, all with slight cork drop, 1 with slight capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  596. Lot 876

    12 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1971 Pauillac (owc - without lid) (2 us, 4 ms, 6 ls, 7 bsl, 4 severe bsl, 2 with slight capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  597. Lot 877

    12 bottles of Reserve de Leoville Barton 2001 St Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  598. Lot 878

    11 bottles of Reserve de Leoville Barton 2001 St Julien (owc)

    Sale Price:

  599. Lot 879

    2 bottles of Chateau Soutard Grand Cru Classe 1993 Saint Emilion; 2 bottles of Chateau Monbousquet 1998 Saint Emilion Grand Cru; 2 bottles of Chateau Pindefleurs 2003 Saint

    Sale Price:

  600. Lot 880

    12 bottles of Chateau Duhart-Milon-Rothschild, 4me cru Pauillac 2010 (In bond)

    Sale Price:

  601. Lot 881

    1 bottle of Carruades de Lafite, Pauillac 2000 (in)

    Sale Price:

  602. Lot 882

    1 bottle of Chateau Petrus, Pomerol 1995 (in)

    Sale Price:

  603. Lot 884

    2 bottles of Chateau Beychevelle 1982 Grand Cru St Julien (ts, us)

    Sale Price:

  604. Lot 885

    1 bottle of Chateau Palmer 1982 Margaux Medoc (in, slight capsule damage)

    Sale Price:

  605. Lot 890

    1 bottle of Chateau Pavie 1995 Saint Emilion (in)

    Sale Price:

  606. Lot 891

    5 bottles of La Dominique 1995 St Emilion (2 with slightly depressed corks)

    Sale Price:

  607. Lot 892

    12 bottles of Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot 1979 Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe (owc) (1 in, 7 vts, 2 ts, 1 us, 1 vls, 1 with capsule damage, 2 with slight capsule damage, 2

    Sale Price:

  608. Lot 899

    1 bottle of Glenlivet 12 year old, 75 cl, 40% vol (heavy bsl, rear label detached, oc - damaged)

    Sale Price:

  609. Lot 900

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Dalmore 1986, Single Cask, Cask Strength, 55.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 19th June 1986, bottled June 2010 (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of an

    Sale Price:

  610. Lot 901

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Dalmore 1986, Single Cask, Cask Strength, 55.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 19th June 1986, bottled June 2010 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  611. Lot 902

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Dalmore 1986, Single Cask, Cask Strength, 55.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 19th June 1986, bottled June 2010 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  612. Lot 906

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Highland Park 1991, Single Cask, Cask Strength, Sherry Wood, 53.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 12th December 1991, bottled May 2007 (oc) (This lot is sold

    Sale Price:

  613. Lot 907

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Highland Park 1991, Single Cask, Cask Strength, Sherry Wood, 53.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 12th December 1991, bottled May 2007 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  614. Lot 908

    2 bottles of Mackillop's Choice Highland Park 1991, Single Cask, Cask Strength, Sherry Wood, 53.9% vol, 70cl, distilled 12th December 1991, bottled May 2007 (oc) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  615. Lot 923

    1 bottle of Maxwell Highland Single Malt, aged 33 years, 70cl, 40% vol (oc)

    Sale Price:

  616. Lot 924

    1 bottle of Mackillop's Choice Single Cask Bladnoch, distilled 13 August 1991, bottled March 2014, 45.7% vol, 70cl, Bottle no. 055 of 102 (oc)

    Sale Price:

  617. Lot 925

    1 bottle of Old Malt Cask Banff, Distilled November 1966, bottled August 1998, Aged 31 years, Douglas Laing, 50% vol, 700ml (oc - box is damaged at top)

    Sale Price:

  618. Lot 926

    1 bottle of Old Malt Cask Macduff, distilled April 1976, bottled December 2000, aged 24 years, one of 318 bottles, 700ml, 50% alc/vol (in oc - oc is scuffed and damaged at top)

    Sale Price:

  619. Lot 927

    1 bottle of Glendronach, aged 18 years, 700ml, 46% vol (oc) and 1 bottle of The Macallan Gold, 40% vol, 700ml (oc). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  620. Lot 930

    1 bottle of Jura, aged 30 years, 70cl, 40% vol, 1 of only 1200 bottles (in presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  621. Lot 932

    1 bottle of Banff 1976, aged 25 years, Cadenhead's bottling, bottled October 2001, Bourbon Hogshead cask, one of 222 bottles. 70cl, 56.3% vol (oc)

    Sale Price:

  622. Lot 935

    1 bottle of Aberfeldy aged 25 years, limited release, 40% vol,70cl (in owc)

    Sale Price:

  623. Lot 937

    1 bottle of Mortlach aged 16 years, Flora & Fauna, 43% vol, 70cl

    Sale Price:

  624. Lot 938

    1 bottle of Highland Park aged 12 years, 40% vol, 70cl; 1 bottle of John Begg Blue Cap Scotch Whisky, 75cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of King George IV Old Scotch Whisky, 70 proof, 26 2/3

    Sale Price:

  625. Lot 940

    1 bottle of Chichibu 2009 Japanese Single Malt Whisky, bottled 2016, 70cl, 61.4% vol (oc)

    Sale Price:

  626. Lot 943

    1 bottle of Dalmore Castle Leod, Home of Clan Mackenzie, Vintage 1995, 46% vol, 70cl (oc)

    Sale Price:

  627. Lot 947

    1 bottle of Glengoyne 15 years old, 70cl, 43% vol (oc); 1 bottle of Glenlivet 15 years of age, 700ml, 40% v/v (oc) and 1 bottle of Glenlivet 12 years of age, 70cl, 40% alc/vol

    Sale Price:

  628. Lot 948

    1 bottle of Old Fettercairn aged 26 years, The Stillman's Dram Limited Edition, 70cl, 45% vol

    Sale Price:

  629. Lot 950

    1 bottle of Signatory Vintage Rare Ayrshire 1975, aged 36 years, distilled 21/02/1975, bottled 20/06/2011, matured in a bourbon barrel, bottle no. 97 of 161, 70cl, 45.3% vol (in

    Sale Price:

  630. Lot 953

    1 bottle of Glenglassaugh aged 38 years, single cask, limited release of 168 bottles, distilled Dec 1967, bottled 2006, 750ml, 45.2% alc/vol (in presentation case)

    Sale Price:

  631. Lot 954

    1 bottle of Glengoyne aged 17 years, 43% vol, 70cl

    Sale Price:

  632. Lot 955

    1 bottle of Dailuaine, aged 27 years, Master of Malt bottling, distilled 1983, bottled July 2011, bottle 41 of 231, refill sherry cask, 53.6%ol, 70cl

    Sale Price:

  633. Lot 957

    1 bottle of Bowmore 1981, bottled 2010, limited release, bottle 149 of 402, with certificate of authenticity, 700ml, 49.6% alc/vol (in wooden presentation case with leather strap

    Sale Price:

  634. Lot 958

    1 bottle of Tomintoul 1977 Vintage Single Cask, Sherry cask, distilled 12 April 1977, bottled 14/05/13, bottle no. 163 of 312, 70cl, 54.9 % vol (in presentation box)

    Sale Price:

  635. Lot 961

    1 bottle of Springbank 25 year old 'A Maybury Selection for Nolan Fine Spirits', aged 25 years, Cask 1992 No, 242, 44.3% vol, 70cl (This lot is sold with the option of 5

    Sale Price:

  636. Lot 967

    1 bottle of Castarede 1940 Armagnac

    Sale Price:

  637. Lot 969

    1 bottle of Scapa distilled 1993, bottled 2010, Gordon & MacPhail bottling, 70cl, 40% vol; 1 bottle of Glen Garioch 1987, 40% vol, 70cl; 1 bottle of Strathspey, 1970's bottling,

    Sale Price:

  638. Lot 970

    1 bottle of 12 year old Dimple 12 years, 1 litre, 43% vol (oc); 1 bottle of Dimple, 1 litre, 43% vol (oc); 1 bottle of Bell's De Luxe 12 years old, 1 litre, 43 GL (oc); 1 bottle

    Sale Price:

  639. Lot 972

    1 bottle of Glenrothes 'Sample Room' Select Reserve, 43% vol, 700ml (oc); 1 decanter of 12 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky, commissioned by P&O Cruises for The Arcadia, no. 228

    Sale Price:

  640. Lot 974

    1 bottle of Chateau Laboudette 1969 Armagnac and 1 bottle of Ryst-Dupeyron 1963 Armagnac (no label). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  641. Lot 975

    1 bottle of Harrods (Janneau) Grande Fine Armagnac 1942 AMENDMENT: (slight seep)

    Sale Price:

  642. Lot 976

    1 bottle of Macallan 18 year old, 1983, 43% vol, 700ml (oc)

    Sale Price:

  643. Lot 977

    1 1 litre bottle of Jameson 1780 Reserve 12 years old (oc); 1 1 litre bottle of Bushmills Black Bush (oc); 1 1 litre bottle of Bushmills 1608 Special Reserve, 12 years old (oc). 3

    Sale Price:

  644. Lot 978

    1 1 litre bottle of Lagavulin 16 year old, 43% vol (oc - torn) and 1 1 litre bottle of Glen Garioch, 40% vol (oc). 2 bottles in total

    Sale Price:

  645. Lot 979

    1 Traveler Fifth of Old Crow Kentucky Straight Bourbon, 43 G.L., 0.757l (small crack to outer capsule)

    Sale Price:

  646. Lot 980

    1 bottle of Glenmorangie 1977 Limited bottling, 43% vol, 70cl (in wooden presentation case)

    Sale Price:

  647. Lot 981

    3 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (1 slight bsl). (This lot is sold with the option of 3

    Sale Price:

  648. Lot 982

    3 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (all slight bsl). (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  649. Lot 983

    3 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (all slight bsl, 1 with crumpled label) (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  650. Lot 984

    3 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (1 bsl, 2 slight bsl). (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  651. Lot 985

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (4 slight bsl, 2 bsl). (This lot is sold with the option of

    Sale Price:

  652. Lot 986

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (3 bsl, 3 slight bsl). (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  653. Lot 987

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (2 bsl, 2 slight bsl). (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  654. Lot 988

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (3 with small crumples to bottom of labels). (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  655. Lot 989

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002. (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  656. Lot 990

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002 (1 with small scuff to label and 1 with slightly crumpled

    Sale Price:

  657. Lot 991

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002. (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  658. Lot 992

    6 bottles of Hine Grande Champagne 1985 Vintage Cognac. Early landed by Tanners of Shrewsbury in 1987, bottled in 2002. (Option lot)

    Sale Price:

  659. Lot 994

    3 bottles of Pallas 3 star Brandy

    Sale Price:

  660. Lot 995

    12 bottles of Courvoisier Millenium Cognac, 70cl, 40% vol (in boxes, oc)

    Sale Price:

  661. Lot 996

    9 miniatures of 18 year old Macallan comprising the following vintages: 1967 bottled 1985; 1968 bottled 1987; 1969 bottled 1987; 2 x 1970 bottled 1988; 1971 bottled 1989; 1972

    Sale Price:

  662. Lot 997

    1 bottle of Laphroaig 10 years old, 70cl, 40% vol (oc); 1 bottle of English Harbour Antigua Rum aged 5 years (70cl, 40% alc/vol); 1 half bottle of Penderyn Welsh Whisky, 46% vol,

    Sale Price:

  663. Lot 998

    24 bottles of Ch. du Rosaire (Lalande du Pomerol)

    Sale Price:

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