Wine, Port, Champagne & Whisky Sale
- Registration & Bidding opened: Wednesday, 5th December 2018 from 11:00am
- Bidding Closed: Wednesday, 5th December 2018 from 11:59pm
Online bidders will need to arrange collection/delivery of their purchases. An online fee of 2% plus VAT will be charged on purchases, on top of the standard buyer’s premium. Unsuccessful purchasers should note that refunds of deposits can take approximately 3 - 5 days. Droit De Suite Royalty Charges Apply. Credit cards are no longer accepted for payment of goods. We apologise for any inconvenience.
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Lot 1
1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1999 Pauillac (hf, bsl) and 1 bottle of Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste 2000 Pauillac (hf, bsl). 2 bottles in total
Sale Price:
£380 -
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Lot 2
12 bottles of Chateau Haut Sarpe 2005 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (oc)
Sale Price:
£360 -
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Lot 4
12 bottles of Chateau Haut Sarpe 2010 Saint Emilion Grand Cru (oc)
Sale Price:
£300 -
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Lot 9
12 bottles of Clos des Litanes 2008 Pomerol (oc)
Sale Price:
£290 -
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Lot 12
2 bottles of Chateau Talbot 1971 Medoc (both in, both bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 1982 Saint Estephe (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 1983 Saint Estephe (in,
Sale Price:
£160 -
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Lot 13
2 bottles of Chateau Cissac 1982 Haut Medoc (both severe bsl, 1 in, 1 us); 1 bottle of Chateau Montrose 1983 Saint Estephe (in, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Langoa Barton
Sale Price:
£85 -
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Lot 14
6 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2004 Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£80 -
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Lot 15
12 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2005 Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£180 -
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Lot 16
12 bottles of Chateau Meyney 2004 Saint Estephe (owc)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 17
10 bottles of Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1964 Saint Julien Medoc, with Eschenauer neck label (owc) (1 in, 5 vts, 2 ts, 1 ms, 1 ls, 7 with slight cork drop, 1 with signs of seep)
Sale Price:
£540 -
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Lot 18
10 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan 1995 Pomerol (9 in, 1 vts, 4 with bsl, 2 with capsule damage)
Sale Price:
£400 -
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Lot 19
6 bottles of Chateau La Fleur de Gay 1995 Pomerol (owc - missing lid) (all in)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 21
2 bottles of Chateau Talbot 1988 Saint Julien (1 in, 1 vts, both bsl)
Sale Price:
£90 -
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Lot 22
1 magnum of Chateau d'Yquem 1989 (in, slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£460 -
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Lot 23
12 bottles of Chateau Doisy Daene 2005 Sauternes (owc) (all in) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 additional lot)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 24
12 bottles of Chateau Doisy Daene 2005 Sauternes (owc) (all in) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 25
12 bottles of Chateau Coutet 2005 Sauternes-Barsac (all in) (owc)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 26
12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton 2000 Saint Julien (owc) (all in)
Sale Price:
£920 -
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Lot 27
12 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1980 (2 vts, 3 ts, 3ms, 4 ls, 4 with capsule damage, all slight bsl, 9 with slight staining to capsule, 2 with small tears to label)
Sale Price:
£620 -
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Lot 29
12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1977 St Julien (3 vts, 3 ts, 2 us, 1 ms, 2 ls, 1 vls, 2 with signs of seep, all bsl, 6 with capsule damage, 1 with slightly raised cork)
Sale Price:
£380 -
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Lot 31
10 bottles of Chateau Latour 1976 Pauillac (3 in, 2 vts, 2 ts, 1 us, 1 ms, 1 vls, all bsl, 5 with capsule damage, all with stains to capsules, 4 with slightly depressed corks)
Sale Price:
£720 -
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Lot 32
1 bottle of Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 1960 (ts, nicks and small stain to label, 1 mm cork drop)
Sale Price:
£120 -
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Lot 34
1 Imperial bottle (6 litres) of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1988 Pauillac (level 3.4cm from base of capsule, signs of seep)
Sale Price:
£600 -
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Lot 35
12 bottles of Chateau Latour 1968 Pauillac (owc) (1 vts, 3 ts, 4 us, 1 ms, 1 ms with slight capsule corrosion, 1 ms with 1mm cork drop, 1 ls) These wines were discovered in the
Sale Price:
£1,750 -
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Lot 36
11 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1967 Pauillac (owc) (2 ts, 1 us, 3 ms, 1 ms with signs of seep, 1 ls, 1 ls with signs of seep, 2 vls, all bsl) These wines were discovered
Sale Price:
£980 -
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Lot 37
11 bottles of Chateau Giscours 1970 Margaux (owc) (4 vts, 2 ts with 1mm cork drop, 1 us, 4 ms with 1mm cork drop, all with glue marked labels and signs of historical seep) These
Sale Price:
£400 -
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Lot 38
12 bottles of Chateau Mayne Guyon 2005 Premieres Cotes de Blaye
Sale Price:
£110 -
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Lot 39
6 bottles of J. P. Moueix 2005 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau Guibot La Fourvieille 2000 Puisseguin Saint Emilion; 2 bottles of Chateau Dasvin-Bel-Air 2005 Haut Medoc (1 with
Sale Price:
£140 -
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Lot 40
2 bottles of Chateau Queray 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau Grand Champs 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau de Brandey Cuvee Passion 2009 Bordeaux; 2 bottles of Chateau
Sale Price:
£140 -
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Lot 41
3 bottles of Chateau Luxeuil 2005 Cotes de Castillon (1 with tear to label); 1 bottle of Chateau La Gorce 2004 Medoc; 3 bottles of Chateau Queyret-Pouillac 2005 Bordeaux
Sale Price:
£160 -
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Lot 42
1 bottle of Pichon Longueville, unknown vintage (in, no label); 1 bottle of Chateau Lascombes Margaux (in, no label); 1 bottle of Chateau Castera 1987 (vts, bsl); 1 bottle of
Sale Price:
£120 -
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Lot 43
1 bottle of Chateau Tour St Bonnet 1983 Medoc (us, slight bsl, slight cork drop); 1 bottle of Chateau Chasse Spleen 1979 Moulis en Medoc (ts, slight cork drop, bsl and small tears
Sale Price:
£110 -
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Lot 44
8 bottles of Chateau Leoville Poyferre 1981 Saint Julien (5 in, 2 vts, 1 ts, 5 with capsule damage, 1 with slight capsule damage, all bsl)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 45
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse Spleen 1993 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 3 with slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£160 -
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Lot 46
12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1993 Margaux (owc) (all in, 4 with slightly depressed corks)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 47
4 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan 1993 Pomerol (all in)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 48
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1994 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 3 with reattached labels, 1 with torn label, 9 with slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 49
12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1994 Margaux (owc) (all in, 5 with slightly depressed corks)
Sale Price:
£230 -
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Lot 50
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1995 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in, 5 with slight bsl) (This lot is sold with the option of 1 similar lot)
Sale Price:
£250 -
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Lot 51
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1995 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£250 -
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Lot 52
12 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 1995 Margaux (owc - slight damage to bottom of box) (all in)
Sale Price:
£220 -
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Lot 54
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1996 Moulis en Medoc (owc) (all in) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£240 -
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Lot 57
1 bottle of Chateau Malescot St Exupery 1998 Margaux (in, scuffs to rear label) and 1 bottle of Chateau Pontet Canet 2005 Pauillac (in, small nicks to label on right hand side,
Sale Price:
£45 -
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Lot 58
12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton 2008 St Julien Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£500 -
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Lot 59
12 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 2007 Saint Julien (owc)
Sale Price:
£420 -
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Lot 60
6 magnums of Segla Margaux 2009 (owc)
Sale Price:
£250 -
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Lot 61
12 bottles of Chateau Belair 2007 Saint Emilion (owc) (This lot is sold with the option of an additional 1 lot)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 62
12 bottles of Chateau Belair 2007 Saint Emilion (owc) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 63
12 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 2006 St Julien (owc)
Sale Price:
£460 -
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Lot 64
6 magnums of Clos du Marquis 2005 St Julien Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£360 -
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Lot 65
6 magnums of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 (owc)
Sale Price:
£250 -
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Lot 66
12 bottles of Clos du Marquis 2005 St Julien Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£380 -
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Lot 67
12 bottles of Grand Vin du Chateau Bernadotte 2005 Haut Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 68
12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 69
12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 70
12 bottles of Sarget de Gruaud Larose 2005 St Julien (oc) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£210 -
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Lot 71
12 bottles of Chateau Charmail 2005 Haut Medoc (owc)
Sale Price:
£170 -
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Lot 72
12 bottles of Croix de Beaucaillou 2005 Saint Julien (owc)
Sale Price:
£330 -
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Lot 73
5 bottles of Chateau Palmer 1995 Margaux Medoc (owc) (all in)
Sale Price:
£700 -
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Lot 74
12 bottles of Chateau Batailley 2005 Pauillac (owc)
Sale Price:
£360 -
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Lot 75
12 bottles of Chateau Moulin Riche 2005 Saint Julien (owc)
Sale Price:
£240 -
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Lot 76
12 bottles of Chateau Phelan Segur 2000 Saint-Estephe (owc) (all in)
Sale Price:
£320 -
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Lot 77
12 bottles of Chateau Langoa Barton 1998 Saint Julien (owc) (all in)
Sale Price:
£340 -
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Lot 78
6 bottles of Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1995 St Julien (owc) (all in, 2 with slightly depressed capsules)
Sale Price:
£640 -
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Lot 79
11 bottles of Chateau Labegorce Zede 1983 Margaux (owc) (1 in, 2 vts, 4 ts, 3 us, 1 ls and capsule damage with signs of historical seep, 1 slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£200 -
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Lot 81
2 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1968 (both ls, both bsl, both with capsule damage and signs of seep); 2 bottles of Chateau Notton 1973 Margaux (both us, 1 with scuffs to
Sale Price:
£50 -
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Lot 82
1 bottle of Chateau Malescot St Exupery 1975 Margaux (ts, bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau Fourcas Hosten 1976 Listrac Medoc (1 ms, 1 ls with stains to capsule, both bsl); 1 bottle of
Sale Price:
£50 -
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Lot 83
6 bottles of Chateau La Serre 1978 Saint Emilion (2 vts, 1 ts, 2 us, 1 ms, 2 slight bsl, 3 with slight capsule damage); 8 bottles of Chateau Grangeneuve 1982 Montagne Saint
Sale Price:
£100 -
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Lot 84
7 bottles of Chateau Calon Segur 1973 Saint Estephe (owc) (3 us, 2 ms, 2 ls - 1 with signs of seep, all with depressed corks, 3 with capsule damage, all slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£75 -
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Lot 85
11 bottles of Chateau Batailley 1979 Pauillac (1 vts, 1 ts, 4 us, 5 ms, 1 with scuff to label)
Sale Price:
£360 -
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Lot 86
3 magnums of Chateau La Tour de By 1976 Medoc (vts, ts, us, 1 slight bsl, 1 with slightly raised cork, 1 with slightly depressed cork and small nicks to capsule); 1 bottle of
Sale Price:
£130 -
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Lot 87
12 bottles of Chateau Pedesclaux 2009 Pauillac (owc)
Sale Price:
£260 -
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Lot 88
11 bottles of Chateau d'Angludet 2010 Margaux (all in)
Sale Price:
£240 -
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Lot 89
11 bottles of Chateau Poujeaux 2009 Moulis en Medoc (all in)
Sale Price:
£250 -
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Lot 90
3 bottles of Chateau Batailley 2010 Pauillac (all in) and 3 bottles of Hortevie 2010 Saint Julien (all in). 6 bottles in total
Sale Price:
£160 -
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Lot 91
2 bottles of Chateau La Lagune 2005 Haut Medoc (both in); 1 bottle of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 2005 Moulis en Medoc (in, very slight bsl); 2 bottles of Les Pagodes de Cos 2000 Saint
Sale Price:
£150 -
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Lot 92
1 bottle of Chateau Leoville Barton 1994 Saint Julien (in, slight cork drop) and 1 bottle of Chateau Duhart-Milon 2005 Pauillac (in). 2 bottles in total
Sale Price:
£65 -
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Lot 93
1 bottle of Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1983 Pauillac (in, small tear to label and slight bsl)
Sale Price:
£85 -
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Lot 94
2 bottles of Les Fiefs de Lagrange 2009 Saint Julien (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Beychevelle Grand Vin 2005 Saint Julien (in); 1 bottle of Chateau Fombrauge 2000 Saint
Sale Price:
£95 -
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Lot 95
2 magnums of Chateau Pontet-Canet 2004 Pauillac (both in and bsl) and 1 magnum of Vina Ardanza 2001 Rioja Reserva Especial. 3 magnums in total
Sale Price:
£140 -
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Lot 96
1 bottle of Chateau Longueville, Baron de Pichon Longueville 1983 Pauillac Medoc (in, bsl, slightly depressed cork); 1 bottle of Mouton Cadet, Baron Philippe de Rothschild 1996
Sale Price:
£40 -
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Lot 97
1 bottle of Chateau Cheval Blanc 1980 St Emilion (ls, scuffs to capsule, slightly depressed cork, corrosion stains to capsule)
Sale Price:
£25 -
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Lot 98
1 bottle of Chateau Meyney 2001 St Estephe (in); 1 bottle of Chateau Monbrison 2002 Margaux (vts, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Fontarney 2001 Margaux; 1 bottle of Chambolle Musigny
Sale Price:
£95 -
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Lot 99
12 bottles of Chateau Leoville Barton, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£400 -
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Lot 100
6 magnums of Chateau Leoville Barton, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£400 -
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Lot 101
6 magnums of Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou, 2me Cru Saint-Julien 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£700 -
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Lot 102
12 bottles of Chateau Pontet-Canet, 5me Cru Pauillac 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£420 -
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Lot 103
6 magnums of Chateau Pontet-Canet, 5me Cru Pauillac 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£420 -
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Lot 104
6 bottles of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2010 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£1,750 -
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Lot 105
3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (This lot is sold with the option of 2 additional lots)
Sale Price:
£1,100 -
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Lot 106
3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£1,100 -
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Lot 107
3 double magnums (3 litres) of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, Cru Classe Pessac-Leognan 2014 (In bond) (Option lot)
Sale Price:
£1,100 -
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Lot 108
6 magnums of Chateau Feytit-Clinet, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£235 -
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Lot 109
6 magnums of Chateau l'Eglise-Clinet, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£600 -
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Lot 110
6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£900 -
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Lot 111
6 bottles of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£520 -
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Lot 112
6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2012 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£900 -
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Lot 113
6 magnums of Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, Pomerol 2014 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£920 -
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Lot 114
12 bottles of Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price:
£820 -
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Lot 115
6 magnums of Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol 2011 (In bond)
Sale Price: