Wine, Port, Champagne & Whisky
- Registration & Bidding opened: Saturday, 22nd April 2023 from 10:00am
- Bidding Closed: Wednesday, 26th April 2023 from 12:00pm
Closing 26th and 27th April from 12 noon
Bidding Opens: Saturday 22nd April at 10am.
Day 1 – closing Wed 26th April from 12 noon – (575 lots)
Lot 1 – 499 Red Bordeaux
Lot 500 – 999 Burgundy, Rhone and other French Wines
Day 2 – closing Thurs 27th April from 12 noon - (488 lots)
Lot 1000 – 1499 Spain, Italy, Lebanon and the New World
Lot 1500 – 1799 Champagne
Lot 1800 – 1914 Port and Madeira
Lot 2200 – 2431 Whisky, Cognac and other spirits
Lot 209
12 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2010 Haut Medoc. Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£230 -
Lot 210
12 bottles of Chateau Cissac 2010 Haut Medoc. Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£206 -
Lot 211
12 bottles of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1992 Pauillac, all in original papers, owc (all in, damage to lid of owc and handwriting on owc). No VAT
Sale Price:
£4,296 -
Lot 212
1 Marie-Jeanne (2.25 litre) bottle of Chateau Malescot Saint Exupery 1961 Margaux (ms, slightly raised cork), owc. No VAT
Sale Price:
£363 -
Lot 213
12 bottes of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 1983 Moulis en Medoc (2 vts, 7 ts, 2 us, 1 ms, 4 with corrosion to capsule). No VAT
Sale Price:
£315 -
Lot 214
12 bottles of Chateau Gloria 1998 St Julien, owc (all in, 1 scuffed label). No VAT
Sale Price:
£424 -
Lot 215
1 bottle of Vieux Chateau Certan 1986 Pomerol (vts, slight corrosion to base of capsule). No VAT
Sale Price:
£121 -
Lot 216
1 bottle of Chateau Pichon-Longueville au Baron de Pichon-Longueville 1989 Pauillac (in); 3 bottles of Chateau Pichon-Longueville au Baron de Pichon-Longueville 1990 Pauillac (all
Sale Price:
£998 -
Lot 217
5 bottles of Chateau Haut Brion 1989 Pessac Leognan (all in, 2 slight bsl, 2 bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£7,926 -
Lot 218
6 bottles of Chateau Lynch Bages 2001 Pauillac (all in). No VAT
Sale Price:
£635 -
Lot 219
1 bottle of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1979 Pauillac (ts, cork slightly depressed, slight bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 220
2 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1983 Saint Julien, Cordier (1 vts, 1 us, both bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£196 -
Lot 221
3 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1978 Saint Julien (all hf and slight bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£207 -
Lot 222
2 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1959 Saint Julien, Cordier (1 us, 1 ls, both heavy bsl, 1 with nick to top of capsule). No VAT
Sale Price:
£206 -
Lot 224
2 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1971 Pauillac, selected and imported by Austin Nichols & Co Inc, New York (both ts, 1 slight bsl, 1 bsl, 1 with nick to rear of capsule). No
Sale Price:
£460 -
Lot 225
1 bottle of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1985 Pauillac, imported by Hartley & Parker Ltd Inc, Stratford, Connecticut (ts, slight bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£206 -
Lot 226
2 bottles of Chateau Haut Brion 1988 Graves, imported by Seagram Chateau & Estate Wine Co, New York (both hf, 1 slight bsl, 1 bsl). No VAT
Sale Price:
£485 -
Lot 227
1 bottle of Chateau Haut Brion 1966 Graves imported by Austin Nichols & Co Inc, New York (level 4.0cm from base of capsule, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Haut Brion 1971 Graves
Sale Price:
£242 -
Lot 228
1 bottle of Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 1986 Pessac Leognan, imported by Seagram Chateau & Estate Wines Co, New York (ts, slight bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau Lynch Bages 1986
Sale Price:
£363 -
Lot 229
2 bottles of Chateau Grand-Pey-Lescours 2000 St Emilion Grand Cru, U.S. import (both in and slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Grand-Pey-Lescours 2003 St Emilion Grand Cru, U.S.
Sale Price:
£103 -
Lot 230
1 magnum of Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1994 Pauillac (in, small scuffs to label). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 231
1 bottle of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1983 Pauillac (in, bsl, slightly depressed cork); 1 bottle of Vieux Chateau Certan 1983 Pomerol (vts, bsl). 2 bottles in total. Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£339 -
Lot 232
4 bottles of Chateau Palmer 1966 Margaux, 1 with Ginestet slip label (1 us, 2 ms, 1 ls, 3 slightly depressed corks, 3 with slight corrosion to tops of capsules, all bsl). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 233
1 bottle of Chateau Margaux 1989 (vts, depressed cork, slight bsl) and 1 bottle of Chateau Margaux 1983 (ts, bsl). 2 bottles in total. Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 234
1 bottle of Grand Vin de Chateau Latour 1967 Pauillac, John Harvey and Sons Limited (ms, slight bsl). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£194 -
Lot 235
2 bottles of Carruades de Lafite Rothschild 1988 Pauillac (1 vts, 1 ts). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£182 -
Lot 236
2 bottles of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1988 Pauillac (1 ts, 1 us, both slight bsl, both with slight wear to capsules). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£484 -
Lot 237
2 bottles of Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou 1998 Saint Julien (both vts). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£231 -
Lot 238
12 bottles of Chateau Beychevelle 1981 Saint Julien (5 in, 3 vts, 4 ts, all slight bsl). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£696 -
Lot 239
12 bottles of Chateau Haut-Sarpe 1996 Saint Emilion Grand Cru, owc (all in, 8 with small scuffs to label). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£121 -
Lot 240
12 bottles of Chateau Haut-Sarpe 1996 Saint Emilion Grand Cru, owc (all in, 5 bsl). Plus VAT
Sale Price:
£121 -
Lot 241
6 magnums of Chateau Poujeaux 2005 Moulis-en-Medoc, owc (all in, slight damage and writing to owc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£411 -
Lot 242
12 bottles of Chateau Calon-Segur 2004 Saint-Estephe, owc (all in).
Sale Price:
£811 -
Lot 243
12 bottles of Chateau Pontet-Canet 2004 Pauillac, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£696 -
Lot 244
12 bottles of Chateau Gloria 2003 Saint-Julien, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£484 -
Lot 245
12 bottles of Chateau Moulin Riche 2009 Saint-Julien, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£436 -
Lot 246
12 bottles of Chateau Haut-Batailley 2003 Pauillac, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£508 -
Lot 247
12 bottles of Chateau Lafon-Rochet 2004 Saint-Estephe, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£303 -
Lot 248
12 bottles of Chateau Ferriere 2005 Margaux, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£436 -
Lot 249
12 bottles of Chateau Haut-Batailley 2004 Pauillac, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£444 -
Lot 250
12 bottles of Chateau Chasse-Spleen 2003 Moulis, owc (all in).
Sale Price:
£387 -
Lot 251
1 bottle of Chateau Calon Segur 1988 Saint-Estephe (ms, heavy bsl, slightly depressed cork, foil damage and sign of slight historical seep); 3 bottles of Chateau Calon Segur 2004
Sale Price:
£593 -
Lot 252
4 bottles of Chateau La Fleur Morange 2005 Saint-Emilion (all in); 4 bottles of Alter Ego 2005 Margaux (all in); 1 bottle of Chateau Leoville Barton 2001 Saint-Julien (in, slight
Sale Price:
£557 -
Lot 253
2 bottles of Chateau Pavie 2002 Saint-Emilion (both in, both slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Pavie 2003 Saint-Emilion (in, slight bsl). 3 bottles in total. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£508 -
Lot 254
1 bottle of Chateau Bel Chouteau 2009 Lussac Saint-Emilion (in); 1 bottle of Chateau Marquis D'Alesme 1981 Margaux (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Tour Saint-Bonnet 2004
Sale Price:
£387 -
Lot 255
1 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschilde 1988 Pauillac (vts, bsl, 2 small tears to foil). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£327 -
Lot 256
3 bottles of Chateau Pichon-Longueville au Baron de Pichon-Longueville 1985 Pauillac (1 in, 1 vts, 1 ms with sign of slight historical seep, 2 slight bsl, 1 bsl, all slight foil
Sale Price:
£327 -
Lot 257
2 bottles of Chateau Palmer 2002 Margaux (both in, 1 slight bsl). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£388 -
Lot 258
1 bottle of Chateau Rauzan-Segla 2003 Margaux (in, slight bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau Lagrange 2001 Saint-Julien (both in, both slight bsl); 5 bottles of Chateau Malescot St
Sale Price:
£530 -
Lot 259
6 bottles of Chateau Pichon-Longueville au Baron de Pichon-Longueville 1985 Pauillac (4 in, 1 ts, 1 vts, all bsl). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£617 -
Lot 260
2 bottles of Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion 2002 Pessac-Leognan (both in, 1 slight bsl); 2 bottles of Chateau La Tour Haut-Brion 2001 Pessac-Leognan (both in, 1 slight bsl). 4
Sale Price:
£387 -
Lot 261
6 bottles of Grand Vin de Leoville du Marquis de Las Cases 2002 Saint-Julien-Medoc (all in).
Sale Price:
£726 -
Lot 262
12 bottles of Domaine De Chevalier 2006 Pessac-Leognan, owc (all in).
Sale Price:
£484 -
Lot 263
12 bottles of Chateau Beaumont 2018 Haut-Medoc, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£206 -
Lot 264
12 bottles of Ulysse Cazabonne 2008 Pauillac (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£206 -
Lot 265
12 bottles of Ulysse Cazabonne 2014 Pauillac (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£315 -
Lot 266
1 bottle of Chateau Batailley 2005 Pauillac (in); 3 bottles of Chateau Richotey 1990 Fronsac (1 in, 1 ts, 1 us, all bsl, all with scuffed capsules); 4 bottles of Chateau
Sale Price:
£145 -
Lot 267
1 bottle of Chateau Palmer 1969 Margaux (us/ms, heavy bsl, tarnished capsule); 5 bottles of Chateau Beychevelle 1965 Saint-Julien (1 believed to be 1965, 2 us, 2 ms, 1 ls, all
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 268
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£339 -
Lot 269
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£182 -
Lot 270
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£145 -
Lot 271
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 272
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£145 -
Lot 273
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, damaged oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 274
6 magnums of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, damaged oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£133 -
Lot 275
6 bottles of Chateau Haut-Marbuzet 1966 Saint-Estephe, owc (2 ls, 2 ms, 2 us, all slight bsl, 1 sign of slight historical seep, all capsules tarnished, no owc lid). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£121 -
Lot 276
12 bottles of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, 2 bsl, 1 slight bsl, stained oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£109 -
Lot 277
12 bottles of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, 5 bsl, 1 slight bsl, stained oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£91 -
Lot 278
12 bottles of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, 5 slight bsl, slightly stained oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£121 -
Lot 279
12 bottles of Chateau Montlabert 1995 Saint-Emilion, oc (all in, 3 slight bsl, slightly stained oc). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£115 -
Lot 280
2 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1986 Pauillac (1 in, 1 vts, both slight bsl, both slight foil scuffs).
Sale Price:
£1,331 -
Lot 281
2 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1988 Pauillac (both in, both slight bsl, 1 slight foil scuff). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£968 -
Lot 282
2 bottles of Chateau Margaux 1985, BB&R slip labels (1 in, 1 vts, both slightly damaged capsules, both bsl). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£581 -
Lot 283
3 bottles of Chateau Margaux 1986 (2 in, 1 us, 2 capsule damaged, 1 slight capsule damage, all bsl). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£1,089 -
Lot 284
1 bottle of Chateau Margaux 1989, BB&R slip label (in, slight bsl, slight foil damage). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£424 -
Lot 285
1 bottle of Chateau Palmer 1973 Margaux (us, bsl, foil scuffs). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 286
1 bottle of Grand Vin De Chateau Latour 1970 Pauillac (us, heavy bsl, foil scuffs). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£327 -
Lot 287
6 magnums of Chateau Batailley 2005 Pauillac, owc (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£696 -
Lot 288
12 bottles of Chateau Haut-Bailly 1998 Pessac-Leognan, re-pack from owc (all in, all slight bsl). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£817 -
Lot 289
2 bottles of Chateau Gruaud Larose 1986 Saint-Julien (1 in, 1 vts).
Sale Price:
£266 -
Lot 290
6 bottles of Chateau Branaire 2001 Duluc-Ducru Saint-Julien (all in). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£339 -
Lot 291
6 magnums of Chateau Cissac 2016 Haut-Medoc, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£197 -
Lot 292
6 magnums of Chateau Cissac 2016 Haut-Medoc, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£230 -
Lot 293
6 magnums of Chateau Cissac 2016 Haut-Medoc, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£188 -
Lot 294
6 magnums of Chateau Cissac 2016 Haut-Medoc, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£212 -
Lot 295
6 magnums of Chateau Cissac 2016 Haut-Medoc, owc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£194 -
Lot 296
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 297
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 298
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 299
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 300
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 301
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 302
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£182 -
Lot 303
12 bottles of Chateau La Tour de By 2019 Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 304
1 bottle of Grand Vin De Chateau Latour Pauillac, believed to be 1960 (us, label missing, foil damaged and slightly corroded). No VAT.
Sale Price:
£169 -
Lot 305
6 bottles of Chateau Cheval Blanc 1970 Saint-Emilion (2 vts, 1 ts, 1 us, 1 ms, 1 ls, 5 bsl, 1 heavy bsl, 1 capsule top slightly raised to 1 side, 1 capsule top slightly damaged).
Sale Price:
£847 -
Lot 306
12 bottles of Chateau Caronne Ste Gemme 2019 Haut-Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 307
12 bottles of Chateau Caronne Ste Gemme 2019 Haut-Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£165 -
Lot 308
12 bottles of Chateau Caronne Ste Gemme 2019 Haut-Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price:
£157 -
Lot 309
12 bottles of Chateau Caronne Ste Gemme 2019 Haut-Medoc, oc. No VAT.
Sale Price: